Fallkniven or Spyderco

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Full Member
Dec 23, 2008
Hi, everyone. i was wondering what you guys would prefer, either the fallkniven U2 or Spyderco Tenacious, because my mother's allowed me to get one as an extra Christmas pressie:). is the handle on the U2 too small? any advantages over each other? i was thinking of the U2 because of it's better steel. it's supposed to be used for a trip to Canada next year we have planned and obviously i'll be taking my fixed blade. Any help would be appreciated. thanks

partly it depends on what you want to do with it. the spyderco has a larger blade (and overall size) and is more suited to regular use as a primary knife. the fallkniven is smaller, and is more of an ocasional use pocket knife.

also if you are going to be using it with gloves, the spyderco is better, as there is more of the blade available when folded, to grab hold of when opening.

don't get too hung up about the steel, most users hardly notice the difference, and any reasonable steel will do what you need. after all, buck 110s are made out of a steel generaly consdered to be rubbish by modern standards, but no one complains about their performance. the only property this doesn't realy apply to is corrosion resistance, where a good stainless steel is vital (only realy neccecery if your diving, or otherwise in and around water, especialy salt water, for extended periods of time.

personaly I would go for the spyderco, because I prefer the liner lock to the back lock used on the fallkniven.

good luck which ever way you go
it depens- if you want a secondary "pocket knife" then get the u2- mine was fantastic, great quality, good design and really nice to use. If you want moreo f a backup blade then the tenacious would seem to be a good chopice due to it's largger size. It's also a bit cheaper.

if it was me i'd get the u2
thanks for the replies. i'm leaning towards the U2 as it doesn't look so threatening or tactical and it will mostly be used for smaller general things. my f1 will deal with the bigger tasks.any more views will still be taken into account as i can't order until after Christmas.
Despite what others would have you believe, steel does make a difference if your not bringing along your kit to maintain the edge on your blade. Nothing worse than being away from home with a dull knife. Good news is the SGPS (Super Gold Powder Steel) on the U2 is spectacular stuff when it comes to edge retention, near custom quality in my book.

Have a Merry X-Mas to you and yours. Be safe.

The U2 is the one folder that I regret moving on. Great little knife that punches well above its weight. I can heartily recommend it.


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