Ebay madness


Full Member
Dec 9, 2003
Sunny South Devon
£16 *rubs hands together* i think i know what the next thing i will be selling on evil-bay will be!

well done to bushbasher (dryadbushcraft) for some great marketing of a bit string and bundle of sticks


Full Member
May 10, 2004
Ebay has always been mad, selling tatoo space on forehead, reigous toasties and at the moment a special used VW once owned by the Cardinal who is now Benedict 16th

What really amazes me is this phenomenon of "RM uses it , it must be worth loads of money"

No this is not a RM bashing post honest

Just that for a guy who spends his time showing people how to do stuff in alternative ways, the general population has siezed on this and decided "If RM does it this way with these bits then it is the only way to do it"

Shouldnt we really take some of his philosophy and adapt our thinking to create simple solutions to everyday situations in the outdoors

Instead of buying items - in this case something gloriously hyped as "Bow Drill Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears Primitive" which has as much to do with RM as collecting limpets for example - we should seek out the undelying knowledge which I believe is what RM tries to share more than anything else


Not Bob

Need to contact Admin...
Mar 31, 2004
Tantalus said:
Instead of buying items - in this case something gloriously hyped as "Bow Drill Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears Primitive" which has as much to do with RM as collecting limpets for example


Limpets Wild Food Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears Primitive - now there's a business idea up for grabs.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Apr 17, 2003
from Essex
Tantalus said:
Ebay has always been mad, selling tatoo space on forehead, reigous toasties and at the moment a special used VW once owned by the Cardinal who is now Benedict 16th

What really amazes me is this phenomenon of "RM uses it , it must be worth loads of money"

No this is not a RM bashing post honest

Just that for a guy who spends his time showing people how to do stuff in alternative ways, the general population has siezed on this and decided "If RM does it this way with these bits then it is the only way to do it"

Shouldnt we really take some of his philosophy and adapt our thinking to create simple solutions to everyday situations in the outdoors

Instead of buying items - in this case something gloriously hyped as "Bow Drill Bushcraft Survival Ray Mears Primitive" which has as much to do with RM as collecting limpets for example - we should seek out the undelying knowledge which I believe is what RM tries to share more than anything else


So you think I shouldnt sell me limpet collection then! - Seriously though, I think the RM marketing phenominam is merely a by product of his own market strategies after all the gullable seem to be willing to buy anything marketed with RM associations.

Sadly though I think where ebay is concerned its only those who dont know better who get hurt.


Need to contact Admin...
Aug 20, 2004
Dorset & France
Gary said:
Seriously though, I think the RM marketing phenominam is merely a by product of his own market strategies after all the gullable seem to be willing to buy anything marketed with RM associations.

Sadly though I think where ebay is concerned its only those who dont know better who get hurt.
The use of a brand name and/or registered trade marks (such as 'Ray Mears' or Woodlore) other than directly related to the item for sale on eBay is not allowed under the eBay Terms & Conditions - Listing Policy. It is called Key Word Spamming
Key word spamming
Inclusion of unrelated key word terms used in effort to gain unfair exposure for seller's auction. The seller will usually state in title; Beautiful Brand X boots - not Brand Z.

Policy: These types of auctions are not permitted and will be ended. The listing fee will be automatically credited for that auction.

Assume that if buyers want more information you'll hear from them by email. More likely, they'll just bid with your competitors.
Say anything that's not true
Keyword spam. This means don't include words that are actually unrelated to your item just because you think they would appeal to buyers. (For example, don't say: "If you like Ralph Lauren, you'll like the colour of these towels.") This is against eBay's listing policies

Full details here of eBay - Key Word Spamming.

Anyone can report misleading items here:

eBay Community Watch. Just select the relevant choices and email them with the item reference number.

So I would say it is, at the very least, actually misleading potential purchasers and I often report it to eBay because of that. Unfortunately it happens all too often on eBay :( and with so many items it is hard to police and why it is more important to report it. Because others do it does not make it right.

I agree with you Gary that people who recognise the name are being misled by the sellers. It is not something RM would want to see but very hard for them to do anything about except complain direct to eBay.

If on the other hand people want to buy genuine RM related items then that is up to the individual. I am not sure it is gullability. There is a big market for anything related to people with celebrity and often has more to do with association with that person than the actual worth of the object (signatures are a good example) and about potential valuesin the future ( such as with the first RM book that is just down to market forces and what collectors will pay).

This does not mean that the item is any better or worse than anything similar just as it is the name of a famous name (often they are simply more expensive to pay for the endorsement!) but to be fair most of the kit for sale from Woodlore is actually a personal recommendation from use which should carry more weight than a simple 'rubber stamp'.

That is personal choice.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
Not only am I disturbed by 'Andy McGrabb's' Q&A relating to the afore-mentioned garment, and the fact that somebody would actually want to buy those second-hand, I am also a bit confused as to why you would be searching for that sort of thing??!! :D


Justin Time

Aug 19, 2003
South Wales
spamel said:
I am also a bit confused as to why you would be searching for that sort of thing??!! :D


LOL, I've been know to snap up the odd bargain or two via eBay, and surplus gear does come in handy... but these are a step too far. :eek:


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.