Does anyone make proper coffee in the woods and how?

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I like to brew it up on an open fire in one of these then pour it through a filter. ....... I like the traditional feel of the open fire and the railwaymans Billy can.

Had one of those for years, heaven knows why, when or how I got rid of it. It was carried on the outside of my pack, annoyed my mates no end.
Personally i just take Lyons Coffee bags, proper ground coffee in a bag, £2.50 a box from Tesco, light take up no room and makes an excellent proper cup of coffee in the field & no need to worry about all that cleaning of yet another pot, let alone where to carry it.

this is bob on, its what i do, we call it cowboy coffee, probably because thats how they did it...:)

I put grounds into a billy can of boiling water and let it come back to the boil, then take it off the heat. When the grounds have settled at the bottom of the can, the coffee is ready and can be decanted into a cup.

Geoff :)
Peasant ;) brew fresh and splash out on the 35p tea strainer :)

When I'm out, I'm honestly not fussed.

The best brew I ever had was made with luke warm water, a teabag that split open leaving tea leaves floating on the surface with the coffee whitener as I stirred it with a knife. (I hadn't had a warm drink in days and it was freezing cold)

At home it's Guatemalan elephant beans.

touched by nature
Personally i just take Lyons Coffee bags, proper ground coffee in a bag, £2.50 a box from Tesco, light take up no room and makes an excellent proper cup of coffee in the field & no need to worry about all that cleaning of yet another pot, let alone where to carry it.


I'm with Trooper on this one, IMO the best compromise as it tastes so much better than instant but you only need a mug and hot water....
Sorry I wasn't saying it was to make 'cowboy coffee' Rik that's what I use in the house.... grounds thrown in a billy when in the woods is my method or instant if I'm being lazy.
I've got Italian expresso makers that sit on the hob as well + cup coffee filters.
Its nice to see so many others enjoy a decent coffee in the woods. I like the coffee bags, never seen them before. Also wish I'd thought of using a tea strainer before ordering the mugmate, you're supposed to put the coffee in the mugmate and slowly pour the water through it but think I may try using it as a strainer instead. It appears there are loads of ways to make a decent brew.
I have my coffee Indonesian style, with the roasted coffee beans pulverised to a fine powder. A tablespoon of coffee, a tablespoon of sugar and top up with hot water. The coffee grounds will quickly sink to the bottom of the cup.
Personally i just take Lyons Coffee bags, proper ground coffee in a bag, £2.50 a box from Tesco, light take up no room and makes an excellent proper cup of coffee in the field & no need to worry about all that cleaning of yet another pot, let alone where to carry it.


i use these too but the french roast red bags are nicer and stronger. But i have just got a jetboil flash with a coffee press so will be using that this weekend for a real coffee brew.
Actually leaving aside all the bits, if you want a top hole filter coffee, no papers and other rubbish , try a swiiss gold filter. Brilliant, simple, effective, reusable.


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