Destruction of birds' nests


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Puts me in mind of the way that Bill Oddie; everyones least favourite Goodie, was recently pilloried recently for his apparent double standards. He'd been bumping his gums as usual about how it was terrible that folk were allowed to kill reared and wild birds saying how terrible it was, them later on in the interview admitted to calling in a pest control firm to control vermin on his property that had no doubt been attracted by his feeding of birds.

As ever some folk want it two ways, only as long as it suits them. I long ago learnt that as man has changed the environs in which he lives to such an extent that we have to occasionally cull of things that cause us problems.

We have to keep on top of problems like rats as if we want unspoilt food at the prices we like then we have to keep the numbers down that or production methods breed.

Always sad when it's something cute, but if it was a decision between moving or preventing ingress in a ventilation system in say a nursing home ventilation system and a little robin red breast that most folk would come down on the side of the humans.

Good point to raise though as we should all have to learn the consequences of our lifestyles. Just hope we can all discuss it nicely without getting too emotive.


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