Dehydrated Fuel? Or Huel?

Alan 13~7

Oct 2, 2014
Prestwick, Scotland
Huel is a nutritionally complete powdered food!


I find this interesting, as yet have not tried Huel. Has anybody else even heard of Huel or tried it in any shape or form? If so would they like to share their experience. I was wondering would it be any good for backpackers and outdoorsy folks alike?
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Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
It sounds like the stuff they sell for the bodybuilders… just now in B&M's and Home Bargains….a neighbour was looking at it last week and wondering if it would do for an elderly neighbour who's needing 'built up' after an illness.
It said it too was a complete food, with every nutrient and vitamin and mineral necessary for health.

Sorry Alan, kind of distracted from your query :eek:


Alan 13~7

Oct 2, 2014
Prestwick, Scotland
It sounds like the stuff they sell for the bodybuilders… just now in B&M's and Home Bargains….a neighbour was looking at it last week and wondering if it would do for an elderly neighbour who's needing 'built up' after an illness.
It said it too was a complete food, with every nutrient and vitamin and mineral necessary for health.

Sorry Alan, kind of distracted from your query :eek:


I've only just heard of it Mary they were talking about it Monday or Tuesday on radio 2, supposedly the next big thing, if so the NHS for fortification, the mention of liquid food of interest to me as a carer working with elderly people with swallowing difficulties It was briefly covered, also weight control, I'm not fully familiar with the product but would like to try.... apparently there is tracker style bars I was thinking maybe good for light weight food on the go for backpackers ect... worth a wee chat on here? Maybe like myself there may be others not aware of this product or can at least educate me about it if they are...


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Sorry, that's a spoiler, and I've just read your request :eek:

No, I have no issues with Veganism, I'm pretty much one myself :)

I think this is an interesting topic, especially in these days of lightweight walking and camping. We know that weight knackers knees, hips and feet, why carry if you don't need to ?
That we're also becoming much more informed about our full nutritional needs, and this stuff claims to provide all that in a balanced way, opens up discussion I think.

I do think that sometimes specialist type foods cost far too much though, especially for what sometimes seems to be just an adult version of baby milk, and the price of the 'raw food' type muesli bars is scandalous.


Alan 13~7

Oct 2, 2014
Prestwick, Scotland
Sorry, that's a spoiler, and I've just read your request :eek:

No, I have no issues with Veganism, I'm pretty much one myself :)

I think this is an interesting topic, especially in these days of lightweight walking and camping. We know that weight knackers knees, hips and feet, why carry if you don't need to ?
That we're also becoming much more informed about our full nutritional needs, and this stuff claims to provide all that in a balanced way, opens up discussion I think.

I do think that sometimes specialist type foods cost far too much though, especially for what sometimes seems to be just an adult version of baby milk, and the price of the 'raw food' type muesli bars is scandalous.


Soylent Green is a 1973 American science fiction thriller film directed by Richard Fleischer and starring Charlton Heston which I've not seen yet but would like to,
Nah, it's Vegan
if that was in reference to the movie I never made the connection, so haven't picked up on your spoiler, so no harm done?

'raw food' type muesli bars easy to make here is my take on that one

Muesli Biscuits (make at home)
Put Jordan’s No sugar muesli in a bowl add a handful of Green raisins or golden sultanas, assorted nuts n seeds of your choice & mix well
Add a generous squirt of Agave Nectar
Microwave on full power for 30 seconds
Mix & Microwave on full power again for another 30 seconds
While still hot spoon some of the mixture onto a polly bag fold the bag tightly round & form into biscuit shapes turn onto a plate & allow to cool…
Yum Yum…!



Jun 8, 2017
When this first came out a while back I was intrigued, but waited for a good amount of reviews on it. By all accounts it's not the most appetising thing, and after drinking it for a week, it'll most likely end up sat on the shelf.
So I just stick to my Ovaltine for b vitamins instead. :)

Alan 13~7

Oct 2, 2014
Prestwick, Scotland
so not recommended then JamPan? I kinda wondered if it might taste a bit boggin. I think the act of actual eating a meal is a big part of feeling satisfied & not hungry so wondered about that too?


Jun 21, 2008
It may be Vegan, but why would anybody want to put such a chemical soup into them?
I would think people would prefer natural food?
Without getting picky about all food being a chemical soup, it just seems to be dried nuts and seeds, ground up and sweetened. The "sweetener" and vitamin blend might be suspect if you don't like aspartame or multivitamins but aren't unusual in many people's diet.
It's the reported sheer blandness and displeasing texture that really puts me off and I quite like soup! And yes Janne, I'd prefer actual food, although I'll admit I was intrigued first time I saw this stuff.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
"Huel!!!" "Huel!!!" . . . . .. . That's the song my cat sings 10X before hurling a furball.

The simple fix is to cook lunchy stuff for 12 people. Do that 5 times then freeze and you won't have to pedal for a couple of months.
I do the same with suppers. Next week I'll start a new cycle, the last of the "string chicken" was demolished last night.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jan 25, 2011
North Yorkshire, UK
The problem I have with stuff like Huel is the claim to be 'a complete food'.

I seriously doubt that. Our bodies are pretty good at making up for deficiencies in some nutrients, but over a long time that will cause issues. Eating a mix of foods is the answer, not eating a really restricted diet.

Using something like Huel to replace a few meals would be fine, but doesn't sound very enjoyable (or cheap). If you need something to fill you up that is calorie-rich and easy to carry, make porridge.


Full Member
Jun 28, 2005
I've tried Huel, mainly as a mix when running. Easy enough to mix and drink down, tasted fine. Id not switch to using it as a sole source of food, but it was fine as a handy source especially running or on the move. I tend now to use a mix called tailwind for calories when running as I prefer it and its easier to premix in bottles


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