Cowboys V Indians

Did you want to be a Cowboy or an Indian

  • I wanted to be Cowboy.

    Votes: 15 27.3%
  • I wanted to be an Indian.

    Votes: 21 38.2%
  • I liked both.

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • I started Cowboy and turned Indian.

    Votes: 5 9.1%
  • I started Indian and turned Cowboy.

    Votes: 2 3.6%
  • I didn't play that game/wasn't interested.

    Votes: 3 5.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 7.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


May 27, 2011
Partially Inspired by this,

Bushcraft: Overgrown kids making dens in the woods



Definitely plus one to what British Red said - I can't for the life of me understand why it has to MEAN anything? It just is.........................Cowboys and injuns.............playing out....................why do we always want to imbue things with meaning and try to give them IMPORTANCE...............It's as important as it is to each individual, just like a favourite jacket, but in the scheme of things it's a hobby, and nothing wrong with that.............

Just my tuppenceworth..................atb mac

And a native American saying they played Cowboys and Indians and nobody wanted to be an Indian :confused:

Curiosity has now go the better of me. What did/do you want to be?


Full Member
Mar 28, 2011
I wanted to be zorro, than buzz lightyear, than a hyena, than a dinosaur, than an indian, and finally a bushcrafter. Oh and Robin Hood somewhere inbetween those.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
I wanted to be the cowboy raised by the Indians....blonde guy...forget the name of the series?

Clearly I wanted to be Ricky North in "Champion the Wonder Horse"

I also wanted to be Alan Bourdillion Traherne (call me Mississippi) :). I can't hear the name "Johhny Diamond" on the BBC without getting a flashback!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
I started out playing with my friends who lived on the same street as me in South East London back in the mid-late 60's. We had a great playground too, bombed out buildings where a doodlebug had come down during the war. They made great forts! So after we'd exhausted the reenacting of every gunfight that ever took place watching TV shows such as Rifle Man, Bonanza, The Virginian and the like, so we progressed to Cowboys against the Injuns.

When it came to choice obviously we all wanted to be the cowboys until I discovered all the slate scattered about the wreckage of the building's roof made amazing Tomahawks when bound up into a piece of split cane.

So picture the scene - Me as a 7 year old chasing about 6 cowboys whooping and a hollering brandishing my tomahawk and them in full flight. How no one got brained, scalped or injured that day remains a mystery, and I did try get those cowboys too.

So I started out as a cowboy and became an Indian. :)


Dec 26, 2008
We had plenty of picture houses where I lived (three minute walk into the City centre), the best was on Scotty Road where there was small hills facing the Gaeity cinema, after seeing Tom Mix, some of us would always be the ones who died courageously :), always an art in dying after being shot with an arrow or rifle.

I was into gymnastics so yer can imagine how I died, three back somersaults, a forward roll followed by a fly spring.


Jan 31, 2010
I started out playing with my friends who lived on the same street as me in South East London back in the mid-late 60's. We had a great playground too, bombed out buildings where a doodlebug had come down during the war. They made great forts! So after we'd exhausted the reenacting of every gunfight that ever took place watching TV shows such as Rifle Man, Bonanza, The Virginian and the like, so we progressed to Cowboys against the Injuns.

When it came to choice obviously we all wanted to be the cowboys until I discovered all the slate scattered about the wreckage of the building's roof made amazing Tomahawks when bound up into a piece of split cane.

So picture the scene - Me as a 7 year old chasing about 6 cowboys whooping and a hollering brandishing my tomahawk and them in full flight. How no one got brained, scalped or injured that day remains a mystery, and I did try get those cowboys too.

So I started out as a cowboy and became an Indian. :)

just took me way back that did mate :) bombed buildings and playing japs and commando`s - then we moved to new housing -two minutes from the `park` -trees ,green fields and common land - robin hood was born , bows and arrows ,crossbows made with elastic bands -fired a cloths peg reet good !! Happy days eh !! ;)


Jan 6, 2013
Eastern Canada
My family seemed to think they were all cowboys for some reason? Guns horses and everything... The area high schools used to be famous for Indians vs. White fights that got ugly...

I never wanted to be either. I wanted to be like Conan or Zatoichi and hack up the bad guys regardless of affiliation.

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I was never much into the cowboy thing - "War" was more my style!
I saw myself as a "Captain Hurricane" type...
Once I had knives things got a bit different and - alothough I didn't call it anything in particular - games revolved around building homes in the trees and bushes, making spears, bows arrows etc and "hunting" ... then I moved to the city, discovered beer and girls and long distance walking!


Feb 22, 2013
We never really played cowboys and Indians much. We were vikings and knights for some reason.

However we had pitched battles with the boys of the next road at the football field that divided us. We were armed with wooden swords or spears , some had shields,
all of us had a bow or arrows...and then we'd go at each other. And yet, very few eyes where gauged out or arms broken.

The worst that could happen woyuld be to be captured during a raid into enemy territory. That would mean being tided to a tree, and perhaps smeared with mud or worse, unspeakable things...but it also meant certain revenge, and justice was swift :)


Full Member
Jan 29, 2007
Remind me please. I know High Plains Drifter and I know I've seen Pale Riderbut for the life of me I can't remember what it's about. Old age.

Remebered it now. It's similar to HPD as there is a suggestion that Eastwood is a supernatural character out to deliver justice or vengeance.


Full Member
Aug 13, 2007
I was more into Robinhood when outdoors but did like to watch C&I with my dad - he and his brother used to shoot they had 1 1911 between them everything esle was from that period


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
I voted for Indian straight off, was always the indian. Well when playing cowboys and indians anyway We played soldiers a lot modern and historic. Kights, Robin Hood, my personal fav person to be was Nuada of the silver hand (loved the stories) and I wanted to play ancient Greeks but it always ended up as Romans V Picts (guess who was a Pict). Used to also play explorers a lot.

Opal talking about the art of dying, we used to play "Dead Mans Fall", you'd all line up on a wall over some grass and tell the "killer" how you wanted to die, you could be specific as blood thirsty currs that we were we had an encyclopedic knowledge of weapons. He would then kill you with said weapon and you had to die accordingly. Once you'd all had your go he decided who died best, the winner then became the killer. All this was to cause thumps and bumps on the ground so the worms would come up and we could use them for fishing bait.



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.