computer boffin requierd in or near swindon


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
You say 'windoze' so your not up to date with Windows? W7 and W8 is very fast, slick even. Vista had problems mainly with it being launched before many people had hardware that could support it but in the end it was OK. If your stuck with Vista it is worth you looking at getting 7.

I've used 7 since day one and not had a single BSOD, not one and my home network consists of two PC's (me and the lad) and PC base units to TV's/wireless/wired network (four bedroom TV's, one Lounge TV) plus three laptops and a Surface Pro all running 7 with a couple running 8 :)


Sep 6, 2010
East Yorks
To be Fair SWMBO is the Vista user, I find it too Bloated With having to install service packs, Some software won't install because you haven't updated or even installed such and such service packs , a lot of software for it slows it down, But the main reason for not having 7 or 8 is the price, It's hard to justify paying anything from 50 to 150 quidish depending on what version you want.

Ubuntu works for me it's fast to boot up and shutdown,( even on some 10 year old towers), i can find similar software to what there is on windows and do exactly the same things as on windows all for free, It may not be as good as windows to some , It's just a good free alternative.


Jan 19, 2010
Interesting reading thanks guys . I mainly use my laptop for the Internet,emails online shopping . pictures . nowhere near it's full potential . I don't need nowhere need the software most Pc come with.

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Jul 12, 2012
You say 'windoze' so your not up to date with Windows? W7 and W8 is very fast, slick even. Vista had problems mainly with it being launched before many people had hardware that could support it but in the end it was OK. If your stuck with Vista it is worth you looking at getting 7.

I've used 7 since day one and not had a single BSOD, not one and my home network consists of two PC's (me and the lad) and PC base units to TV's/wireless/wired network (four bedroom TV's, one Lounge TV) plus three laptops and a Surface Pro all running 7 with a couple running 8 :)

I am a *nix guy (Linux, FreeBSD, OSX), but I have to say I was impressed with Win7. Windows 8 not so much, and Server 2012 uggh....

But I have Win7 on my iMac for when the occasional gaming urge takes me and a VM can't deal with he software I want to run and apart from one issue with Malware Bytes before a patch, I haven't had a single BSOD with Win7.


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Linux is great for browsing etc, but then so is the cheap android tablet(s) we've got, they handle browsing and email/forums all for £100. One issue for me is compatibility. I'm retired, no more university courses, projects etc but the wife is still involved and really you need to be using the likes of Office. I know Open Office and Libra are free and good but you still get compatibility issues from time to time and you can't afford that at a professional level.

Cost...depends. If your a student or you have children in School you get heavy discounts. My old university sells Windows 7 for £25. Microsoft did a deal with the NHS and nurses could have the full retail version of Office for £13 which was the price of postage from Germany (of all places) so if you shop around (and want the software) you can find deals to be had, Windows 8 was on offer for about £14 or £24 direct from MS so we 'stocked up'. When my lad was studying I.T. he needed Adobe so I got him the Master Collection which cost more than most PCs do !!! (its a heck of a package though) but he needed it. There is a massive choice out there to suit all tastes and needs. Some people here spend a load on bushcraft kit, I allow myself a grand a year (or there abouts :eek:) for computer kit...its still cheaper than golf;)


Sep 6, 2010
East Yorks
Linux is good for browsing, as well as most of the things that windows can do, compatibility problems aren't as bad as people tend to believe, I think most people's problem with it is they've only Known windows and when something different comes along they are pretty sceptical.

It's hard to find a retailer that ship p.c.'s with anything but windows although some still do i believe, Some retailers are " Encouraged " to, Not sell Laptops/P.C.'s without windows, i Know because i've inquired, As for the pricing , I'd like to go into any retailers and get a hugh discount on a Windows O.S. , But the thing that really put's me off is the fact i can buy a retail copy of windows but only install it on one P.C. Same with a P.C./Laptop that comes with an O.E.M. copy. The only other option is using a pirate copy which is illegal or disregarding the windows licence agreement which would probably be illegal to. So i looked around for alternatives Linspire/Lindows , aswell as a host of Linux flavours finally settling for Ubuntu.
Nov 29, 2004
"...Its fun and easy to use but be prepared to flaff about with things like printer drivers et al. Regardless what the the fanboyz say its not as straight forward as Windows..."

Not so many problems on the printer front, my printer(s) are attached to my old Windows XP tower and I use Google Cloud Print when I need to print something from one of my laptops, if I had a 'cloud ready' printer I wouldn't even need the XP tower.

Scanners I thought would be more of a problem, especially as Apple machines tend to have very poor scanner support, however to my surprise my version of Ubuntu had support for my Canon scanner built in from the get go.

Microsoft Office, do you need it? Some folks probably do, many only think they do. The iPad seemed to do rather well without a version of MS office. Do you really need all these features? Or does your employer think you do?

I dislike Open/Libra office and manage to work with Word and Excel documents using 'Google Drive' and as those documents are being sent back and forth between myself and some fairly large architectural, legal and construction firms and no one has yet left out a lift shaft or building floor or short changed me, it must work. :)

Day to day I use the Chrome browser, Google Picasa for photo management and minor photo editing tasks, the default .txt editors on whichever OS I am using for writing documents/todo lists and notes.

I like the fact that Chrome syncs my bookmarks, preferences and extensions between computers and that I can customise it so that it ignores most of the internet's annoying or intrusive features. I use it for shopping, reading the news and looking at BCUK.

I really do not need word, all those options just get in the way actually writing. A plaintext file allows me to just write, if I want to format it and add pics or something I can cut and paste it into a Google Drive document afterwards.

Apple's Microsoft Office equivalents 'Pages' and 'Numbers' are very pretty but laughably crap, they will back themselves up to Apple's cloud storage but I cannot edit them there! Although Apple have said that I will be able to buy the next operating system to be able to do so! :)

My father in law has both a Vista and Windows 7 machine and while the Vista unit is quite terrible, Windows 7 seems to be the bees knees, I especially like the built in XP emulation. He is also really into his photography and has a copy of Adobe Photoshop in which I have seen him use no more than three tools (and those not terribly well) so maybe he should have saved the money for a better lens or something else.

The version of Ubuntu I linked to above (and the current versions) can be run from the CD rather than installed if you want to take it for a spin before committing.

I'm hoping the OP finds these asides into Windows/Ubuntu useful and does not consider them to be thread hijack.
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Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Office works, end of story really, use your Office docs on other Office based machines and you have no problems, start using the likes of Open Office and you get issues such as formatting problems and more...not good in the middle of a presentation to other professional people:( I used Word and Excel a lot but in all honesty perhaps used less than 10% of the features, same with Photoshop and Corel Draw but the features I do use are very good.

Any 'old timers' here remember the likes of WordStar, Lotus 123 and Dbase :)


Jan 19, 2010
Again thanks . I didn't expect such a response . I've just saved everything I need to so going to wipe clean and start again.

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Jan 19, 2010
Is there anyone who can help with Ubuntu on the phone as I really don't have much of an idea

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Full Member
Aug 10, 2009
Witney, Oxfordshire
Where in Swindon are you. If you can't work it out I am in witney and more than happy to help if you can come over with your laptop.

Plus you can check if you like it before you install.


Jan 19, 2010
I live in Wroughton . iv have a hammer which is going to come in handy

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Jan 19, 2010
Thanks you all for your help . I've got something in place to get sorted . Thanks again

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