civil enforcement officer??

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David Ikes as mad as a box of frogs, proper nutjob.

If he didn't exist we would have to invent him just so the more normal paranoid freaks could feel sane in comparison.

I'm not a big follower of Mr Icke, but it would appear that some his "mad, nut job" predictions have come true soooo... And he always insists that you dont just believe him blindly but to check the facts for you self independently that's more than the government (any of them) would like us to do

He was MAD when he said this would happen? but it is
The move from police enforcement to civil enforcement means that the offence of parking illegaly is no longer a criminal offence. The process is officially de-criminalised. Local Authority 'CEO's' are able to issue fixed penalty notices and persue payment of outstanding fines through the civil court system. The CEO's only have a small and strictly controlled remit.

Not quiet true. CEO only enforce parking where a TRO is in place under the Road Traffic Act 1991 - the police delegating their powers has not made parking offence here a civil offence it had just decriminalized them. A whole world of difference in legal terms. Issuing of FPN is now done by a civil Authority. However, non payment of a FPN is a criminal offence first dealt with by Magistrates Courts like of criminal offences but can wind up in County Court.
David Icke is only so knowledgable. He's like a spring board in to the conspiracy arena for 95% of people.
Look up Common Purpose and the Zionist-infiltrated Jesuits for the real truth on global control.
Possible, but there are no "traffic wardens" any more they are Civil enforcement officers and as plastic-ninja said NO real training in handling situations? next they will have tasers......

The police don't all have Tazer's, these people won't have them at all I would think.

Do you know how many 'people' have legal access to data on you? Hundreds of different groups do. The country is stuffed, I'm waiting for the aliens to abduct me again, I won't ask to come home the next time.

Can't see them being issued with tasers, why the hang should they when the police don't even need them ?

As for Mr Icke, there's something really wrong with him :( It's as though he's had a lobotomy.



"A Cumbria Police spokesman said: "Neighbourhood police officers attended the scene and arrested a male on suspicion of causing criminal damage and, during the arrest, a Taser was deployed."

That is the point Tasers were brought in on the ground that only qualified armed officers would use them, now its not the case. It will not be long till all officers/civil enforcement officers have them. Any and all fire arms should only be held by COMPETENT train individuals and only as a last resort, did they not have there CS spray batons/ASP's?? My big issue is it is a big slippy slope....and quite frankly I am worried were this will lead..
I'm not a big follower of Mr Icke, but it would appear that some his "mad, nut job" predictions have come true soooo... And he always insists that you dont just believe him blindly but to check the facts for you self independently that's more than the government (any of them) would like us to do

He was MAD when he said this would happen? but it is

Oh ***! If you throw enough crap, some of it going to stick.

The guy is insane. Do yourself a favour, stop watching this nutter, grab some mates and go for a pint. :)
...Any and all fire arms should only be held by COMPETENT train individuals and only as a last resort, did they not have there CS spray batons/ASP's??...

The whole concept of TASERS is to use them BEFORE resorting to impact weapons such as batons/ASPs. Impact weapons are more dangerous (possibly deadly) in most cases. They are always higher on the Use of Force matrix (only firearms are higher)

FWIW I'm not a fan of TASERS in any case; but I do understand the desire to avoid impact weapons.
Surely its just a way to compensate for reducing the professional police numbers It is happening everywhere health and social care,legal profession
Its cheaper to have non qualified people carrying out the duties normally associated with skilled professionals and preferably employed outwith the public sector
Personally I think its a fools errand but then again i don't think there is really a conspiracy to start a global war so what would I know
I might take up the fiddle in preparation though
Please Close this thread.

And lets hope no one on this forum has a loved one tasered for being Suspected of some thing.

Some years ago, a very close friend of mine, a guy called Ephraim Lewis, was tasered by LA cops, he fell backwards off a balcony and died from massive head injuries. Bad things happen to real people. But traffic wardens with tasers? Please, this is just the work of an over active imagination.
He would have been tazerd for resisting arrest, there are strict guidelines in place for the use of it, yes mistakes happen but if he was cooperating then he wouldnt be tazerd would he,
Some years ago, a very close friend of mine, a guy called Ephraim Lewis, was tasered by LA cops, he fell backwards off a balcony and died from massive head injuries. Bad things happen to real people. But traffic wardens with tasers? Please, this is just the work of an over active imagination.

terrible story but i quite agree
Surely its just a way to compensate for reducing the professional police numbers It is happening everywhere health and social care,legal profession
Its cheaper to have non qualified people carrying out the duties normally associated with skilled professionals and preferably employed outwith the public sector
Personally I think its a fools errand but then again i don't think there is really a conspiracy to start a global war so what would I know
I might take up the fiddle in preparation though

Yep I total agree


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