Catching up

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Correction the glue I used is Weldbond some Canadian stuff that seams to work very well. It's not cheap but cheaper than the flying model aircraft grade alphantic ( or however you are meant to spell, it) resin I've been using since it knocks the pants off PVA.

It's the Black and Decker model 79-020 Iust after, unfortunately they didn't export many yo the UK.


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Not got much done since my last post, carved a couple of bog standard user spoons from some damson I was given a couple of years back which I'll not inflict on you.

I've had something of a binge on kit and done a bit of canvas work to go with or contain kit.

Wanting something small and light to either sit on or make a shelter for breaks when walking or to cook under I got myself a small DD tarp and to jump on a bandwagon some jute bank line to use instead of para or hootchie cord.


I've been feeling my age so have decided to go more light weight so I can go further without becoming knackered and put off. However I decided to make a heavy weight version of a mini tarp/ ground sheet the same size as the DD one from some heavy waxed canvas I have a roll of At just shy of 2lb for a 4 foot square with 16 brass eyelets its definitely not lightweight . The saddle stitching is a bit ropey but the linen thread is incredibly strong so I don't think it will fall apart in use. Its for short trips and car camping mainly.


The first couple of eyelets ain't pretty but once I'd started using a small ball peen rather than the male part of the closing tool provided they went on much better. They went through either 3 layers of cloth or 6 at the corners so I didn't add and reinforcing.

I've been using a old '37 pattern haversack for decades but decided to upgrade since herself was looking for a xmas present for me. The one I liked proved hard to get hold of in OD but she persisted and got me a Helikon job which fitted the bill. I wanted something I could stuff a Sleeka in along with the kit and food i'd carry for a day and most of the designs where a bit on the small size.

Anyway here it is. I've added a Condor gadget pouch for things I want to have easy access to on one end and another Condor EMT pouch to the other to carry basic first aid and bite kit at the other.


The pull tags were too short for me to grab easily with gloves on so I replaced them with paracord and one on the main compartment with a green light Innova torch which can be flopped into the bag to light up the contents without advertising my presence or completely destroying my exceptionally poor night vision, Fromm a old carrymat I cut a sit mat to fit inside in a U shape that pads the sides out. It's thin and weighs hardly anything and is easily removed.

Since Ive been using a cracked Petzl Tikka (?) for years I decided it was time for a new head torch so went for one of these. I sewed on a little tritium light on the head band so can see where I've hung it and in the vague hope that someone walking behind me can see where i am although it may be a bit wimpy for that.


Also I decided to get a rugged dumb phone for use out in the woods, I don't even have the smart functions activated on the huge, fragile hand me down Samsung i was issued with by herself anyway and the battery life still sucked. I think this new one is a CAT B-26 or something like that. It's supposed to be water proof so I've not got a case for it.

For over nighters when I'm using a ruck I've got a Condor rip off IFAK with all the usual contents less a nasal airway since I'm not qualified to insert one. I can chuck it in my satchel if I'm going to be carrying a axe or saw and therefore more likely to need serious dressings.


Since the pic I've acquired a velcro red cross badge so others will know what it is. Herself bought herself a fake one without the rip off facility to go in her knife and axe throwing kit.

I'll two part this one as its getting long!


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Part the second.

For years I've had and heavily used a 11 inch GSI frying pan with a folding handle, it's not brilliant but the non stick has lasted very well. Wrapping it in a plaki bag to stop the soot rubbing off on the rest of the contents of my bag never worked well and like a lot of folks I'm trying to use single use bags as little as possible. So since I had the material out I decided to finally make a dedicated bag for it.


I built in some slack into it so it could take a 12 inch pan should I find one once the GSI finally dies.


At xmas my mother insisted on giving me far too much so rather than blow it on several small things that would if say clothes or electronics ware out I'd get one thing I was unlikely to wreck or upgrade. So again i bought something for my lightweight outdoors kit a Keith quart canteen mug and lid.


I've since added some tape to stop my lip burning,

Once again in the search of the light weight option and sometimes being in places where a convenient digging stick can't be found I blew the last of my silly money on a poo hole trowel.


I've used a U-dig-it in the family kit for years, hung off a neat Sea to summit loo roll bag with another Innova light attached and a marker light which now seams to have died and needs replacing. But the U-dig-it is a hefty piece of stainless steel and truth be said I tended to leave it behind because of that.

They guy makes three weights of trowel but the lightest two need "special techniques" to use them on hard ground so I went for the toughest one. It weighs about a oz.

One final new bit of kit I bought for myself was a Mora Eldris in burned orange I got from Springfields in Burton on Trent for 16 quid or 16.99 with free postage, Infact herslf got one for herself as well all though Ive non idea why.


I've since fitted a leather neck cord with a break away bead and a short pull cord from the same stuff to make it easier to extract ( Thanks Mary ). It fits neatly into one of the exterior pockets on the satchel. I've had a tendency to carry too much knife in the past and this looks just the job paired with a Pocketboy for most of the things I do when out.

And that's you lot.


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Hello :) and your kit looks brilliant :cool:

Mine's mostly up the loft and has been for yonks. I'm itching to get out and about but right now we have snow and ice and we're locked down, so, it's not happening. Not for a while yet.
Fun to prep and sort out and pick and choose though :)

I like your frying pan bag, did you mark the 'bottom' side ? I find it keeps things a 'little' cleaner if I put the pots in the same way round every time.

Hadn't seen the trowel before, interesting, looks easily cleaned and stored, and the mug and canteen looks the business.

Your tarp looks like a major hand aching exercise to stitch ! nicely done though :)

All I've made in ages are quilts.

Hi Mary
Cheers! I've been giving kit a bit of thought over the winter and refurbished some of it like the big Aussie bush ovens that I've ot used for 2 or three summers. Releasing money tied up in old hobbies has made a big difference.

A certain lack of confidence means I'm waiting for the thaw before I start hill walking again, I really dont fancy a trip to hospital right now and even at my most nimble I tended to trip and fall a lot. Trying out new kit should be a spur to me, it always has in the past.

Good idea on marking which way up on the frying pan mag. I need to stencil on the family name on the new stuff anyway, that can indicate the top.

The trowel accidentally neatly fits into one of the exterior slots on the satchel, the other designs I looked at had aggressive looking teeth on the sides for cutting roots which would have chewed up any case or slot. I could use a crab to let it dangle, which is what will probably do when I'm using a rucksack.

Yeah, the mini tarp was a real hand ache to sew, even using smooth jawed pliers. 16 eleven inch rows of saddle stitch, a bit big and wavy but should be strong. Rather than wax the thread first I waited until it was done then rubbed some nikwax green waxed cotton reproofing stuff into both sides. It should preserve the thread and made the colour match a bit better. Sadly I'd earlier used up the very last of my lovely Barbour olive green tent weight thread. Ok it's taken over 20 years to use it up but damn it was good stuff. The nearest I could find on ebay etc they wanted £9.95 for plus postage and that was olive drab, a bit darker than I wanted, but in the main text they described it as jade green. Also I was feeling a bit embarrassed at how much I'd already spent on my self!


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I don't have Barbour in OG, but I'm pretty sure I have some reels of Knox's.
It's a bit nearer the colour of the old Niger tents, iirc.
Happy to post some down if it'd be of use though.

I do tend to go on a bit detail wise on the general principle people can skip bits and the details so may be of interest to some one.

Cheers Mary but I've some of that Niger tent coloured stuff, it's what I used on the last two bags then stained it darker with the OG reproofing wax. Its great, super strong stuff. The offers appreciated but I've a big 2oz real to be getting on with.


Before I packed up the sewing gear I made a case for the Silky BigBoy to go in, partly to protect it and partly to hide its orangery goodness from those who may have a panic attack at the idea of someone carrying a tool in the woods.

It's just a tube with a back stitched centre seam but it does the job. Turning it right side out was a complete pig hence it looking rather crumpled. When I nget some more Nikwax green cotton proof spray( it ran out on me today after umpteen years) I'll properly re proof it



Thats it for now, I'm all cased up.


I've been doing a bit of prep work for when the weather changes for the better. I've sorted my stock of seasoned kindling into bundles of various lengths to go with various stoves, a bit faffing but it is something to do which will make it easy just to grab stuff when the mood takes me and its been too wet to easily find dry stuff outside. I did try impregnating some bits with paraffin wax by submerging it in molten parafin wax for up to half an hour but it was in a double boiler so I dont think it was hot enough. Certainly there was no bubbling as the air was forced out like in the you tube vids. I was loathe to heat it up hotter indoors so will have a go outside when its fit.

what it was is that I've ended up with several pounds of paraffin wax from charity shop candle making kits which since i've a free source of beeswax I aint going to use for its intended purpose. so Ive dropped it all into a large double boiler to make various fire lighters etc. Ive found no source of proper fat wood around here so I thought I'd have a go at making the ersatz stuff. I'm pretty sure i've just made it waterproof but when I test burned a stick it lit very easily so the effort wasnt completely wasted.

Herself brought me home two sizes of cotton make up removal pads so I've made a excessive amount of fire starters, they light easily from a match and will take a spark if they are ripped to expose a fluffy edge. the lads yhought I was making pallid prawn crackers!


I finally got around to pegging a rudimentary handle to the small ash pan/shovel I got from a pound shop a few years back. when I first got the Aussie bush ovens I put a T handle on a larger dust pan to shovel coals and ash about but it was always larger than I really needed. Anyroad its done now.

I've made up a 10 yard length of the 3mm paracord to use as a ridgeline for my shiny new green OneTigris Backwoods Bungalow Mk 2. Ok that just means I cut off a length and sealed the ends and made it into a hank. Since the postage from the US was more than I could countenance to get originals I got 6 knock off loopalien tensioners off ebay for £5.99 ( It was 3.99 for two so I thought Id get spares) They're stainless steel and seam well enough made. I know I could learn to tie the knots again but I have always forgotten how to do them unless i'm doing them all the time. Also I've lost some feeling in my hands in recent years especially when they are cold so I thought I'd give them a try. They are also shiny. Anyroad the ridgeline and two of the tensioners are packed with the pegs and guylines that came with the tent so that's all ready to go now. Oh I made up some prussik knot loops to attache the tent to the line, just 22 to 24 inch lengths of the 3mm made into loops with fishermans knots.

One outstanding job is to sew the OG loop side velcro to the collar of my Ridgeline Buffalo shirt copy. I want to fit the hood from my standard Buffalo shirt to it. With any luck I'll be able to lose enough weight to get back into that. one day. They were selling off the Ridgeline ones for 40 odd quid and the sizes went up to 5XL. The vague plan is lose enough get comfortably into my 3XL Snugpak PP shirts and then into the 46" Buffalo.


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Having had to put the converting of a couple of redundant kid sized leki sticks to tent poles on hold due to a lack of suitable diameter aluminium bar stock Ive come up with a alternative method.

Although I intend to use a ridgeline and a couple of harvested on site sticks for the Onetigris backwoods bungalow I want a compact pre made stand alone alternative for certain circumstances, The commercial offerings were commendably light but for two pairs of awning poles quite a expensive option so I looked for another way around it and eventually remembered that in the to ebay pile was a bag of old school Vango Force 10 poles to whit 4 V leg poles, two apex pieces and a ridge pole. The inner and fly had long since been condemned and cut up for spares but Id kept the poles,

Anyroad I've ctut down a pair to the requisite 1250mm for the ridge line and added short pegs made from the head and un threaded shank parts of some bolts coupled with various washers and copious amounts of Araldite with the edges rounded off to protect the cloth. The pair for the awning I have kept full length, about 6 inches longer, as they can be sloped to alter the height. When I next get the compressor out I'll spray the poles OG after roughing up the surfaces and degreasing as they are a bit shiny for my taste.

The spare apexs I've chucked in the box of a supposedly unused Force 10 Mk 2 ( or is it a 1 ?) that I picked up several years back for peanuts but which needs ebaying as I'll never use it and not into the retro thing, well nothing so modern as a 1960s/70s tent!

I can do pics of the poles if anyones curious but thought the mod too dull to merit it even by my AR standards!



Just checked and its a Mk 2 lightweight, and apart from the previous owner wrote the weight in lb on each stuff sack and a compilation of same on the washing label on the main stuff sack it looks completely unused. Must have bedn for a cancelled expedition.

Spent far too long last night sewing the loop velcro onto the collar of the Ridgeline pertex and pile shirt to take a Buffalo shirt hood. The Medium sized hood fits a 5XL shirt perfectly. Trying to find the large sized hood image some where.
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Well folks, yesterday I was actually out in the big wild world and was taken to see my tool guy in Colne who's opened up his stall again and was treated to some new toys by herself as a belated anniversary present. It was pretty suprising as it was one of those not really celebrated ones, the 23rd but I wasnt going to turn my nose up at it. The made up "gifts" are some thing like titanium, sandwich paste or gall stones but I was happy to settle for some Sheffield Steel!

The main part was a bunch of rather nice spoon gouges to restore. They are pretty sharp and perfectly usable as is but I'll tart them up anyway and have the do-hickey to go on my Tormek for sharpening and stropping them. top 5 are Sorby, middle ones a Addis,London and the bottom 3 are Wm. Marples. Im still looking for more of the larger sized ones.


They werent cheap but still less than a third of the price they would be new and Mike through the rest of the stuff in free.

Not bought second hand but a new acquisition any way was a Corded Makita 16" bar electric chain saw. I needed something to process wood for blanks and have been threatening to get one for several years. I also got the relevant sharpening kt and biodegradable oil. Ive still got the helmet, boots etc from when I last used one many moons a go. I'm now thinking how to rig a secure holding device out back, most likely Ill get a old wrork mate and alter the jaws and add some weights or bolt it down.


Note I've properly cleaned my secondary work bench in the shed and cleaned all the power tools, I'll cover them in cloth to keep the dust off from now on, not having enough cupboard space. I rigged a thin nozzle to the dust extractor and gave the motor vents a good sucking. Now the weathers turned better and a issue with my left eye has been resolved which meant I couldn't do owt that was dusty or fumey or smokey for a while I'm looking forward to butchering some wood in the near future. Unfortunately I have to play catch up with some domestic stuff first.

On a unrelated topic we have been clearing out books that we wont be needing anymore and discovered that non of the local charity shops are accepting any. I litterally cant give the things away! as well as the 16 bananna boxes of Historical and Sci Fi novels thers a few of reference books, some of which are craft or natural history based. I'll be happy to give them away so long as im not out of pocket for the postage. I sorted these 3 out for a mate who then turned his nose up at them.


I live near Rawtenstall in Rossendale in east Lancs if anyone wants to pic them up or can post/My hermes them so long as I get the actuall cost of the stamps back.

If anyones interested in free books I will do similar photos by subject, otherwise they will end up as fire lighters!


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Not got much done since my last post, carved a couple of bog standard user spoons from some damson I was given a couple of years back which I'll not inflict on you.

I've had something of a binge on kit and done a bit of canvas work to go with or contain kit.

Wanting something small and light to either sit on or make a shelter for breaks when walking or to cook under I got myself a small DD tarp and to jump on a bandwagon some jute bank line to use instead of para or hootchie cord.


I've been feeling my age so have decided to go more light weight so I can go further without becoming knackered and put off. However I decided to make a heavy weight version of a mini tarp/ ground sheet the same size as the DD one from some heavy waxed canvas I have a roll of At just shy of 2lb for a 4 foot square with 16 brass eyelets its definitely not lightweight . The saddle stitching is a bit ropey but the linen thread is incredibly strong so I don't think it will fall apart in use. Its for short trips and car camping mainly.


The first couple of eyelets ain't pretty but once I'd started using a small ball peen rather than the male part of the closing tool provided they went on much better. They went through either 3 layers of cloth or 6 at the corners so I didn't add and reinforcing.

I've been using a old '37 pattern haversack for decades but decided to upgrade since herself was looking for a xmas present for me. The one I liked proved hard to get hold of in OD but she persisted and got me a Helikon job which fitted the bill. I wanted something I could stuff a Sleeka in along with the kit and food i'd carry for a day and most of the designs where a bit on the small size.

Anyway here it is. I've added a Condor gadget pouch for things I want to have easy access to on one end and another Condor EMT pouch to the other to carry basic first aid and bite kit at the other.


The pull tags were too short for me to grab easily with gloves on so I replaced them with paracord and one on the main compartment with a green light Innova torch which can be flopped into the bag to light up the contents without advertising my presence or completely destroying my exceptionally poor night vision, Fromm a old carrymat I cut a sit mat to fit inside in a U shape that pads the sides out. It's thin and weighs hardly anything and is easily removed.

Since Ive been using a cracked Petzl Tikka (?) for years I decided it was time for a new head torch so went for one of these. I sewed on a little tritium light on the head band so can see where I've hung it and in the vague hope that someone walking behind me can see where i am although it may be a bit wimpy for that.


Also I decided to get a rugged dumb phone for use out in the woods, I don't even have the smart functions activated on the huge, fragile hand me down Samsung i was issued with by herself anyway and the battery life still sucked. I think this new one is a CAT B-26 or something like that. It's supposed to be water proof so I've not got a case for it.

For over nighters when I'm using a ruck I've got a Condor rip off IFAK with all the usual contents less a nasal airway since I'm not qualified to insert one. I can chuck it in my satchel if I'm going to be carrying a axe or saw and therefore more likely to need serious dressings.


Since the pic I've acquired a velcro red cross badge so others will know what it is. Herself bought herself a fake one without the rip off facility to go in her knife and axe throwing kit.

I'll two part this one as its getting long!



Something I have found is the front axe slot takes my "extra strong" Polish umbrella nicely and the whole thing acts as a baldric when I need both hands free, This is more for when I am using the satchel around town but I have taken to using the brolly as walking stick when the weather is suitable, as in may rain but not heavily so I would need a proper water proof or poncho.


Picked up arzther nice pretty much unused Disston 22" 10 TPI D-8 saw on Saturday in a excellent Curtol Made in England case. We payed 20 quid for it which is a lot for me but under the surface tarnish / rust it was in fantastic condition.


I once made a huge plastic bag on a wooden frame soaking tank to de rust a two person saw so decided to make a more reasonable sized one to take blades up to 26 inches.


The cut open rubble sack is just stapled on with tape to cover the holes, which are all above the waterline anyway.

I then soaked it in a strong hot citric acid solution as damp had got into the small amount of oxcillic acid I had left and for some chemical reason that had lost all its potency.

Avoiding the teeth I cleaned off the black residue with 1200 grit wet and dry with oil. This also removed the markings but that's no biggy.


Once the handle was back on I touched up the varnish with gloss yacht varnish and heavily oiled the blade and left it overnight. This brought out the patina in the metal so it didn't look so shiny and new. Today I buffed it off and put new oil on. I'll first use it on some scrap wood to remove the residue on the teeth before using it on the good stuff.

The case I washed and its propped open on a radiator to completely dry. It will take any of my hand saws so I'll save it for when I need to take one for a job away from home. I'd rather keep the blades of my saws where I can easily see if they are in need of any TLC rather than in cases



Ps I'm going to varnish the base of the soaking tank, not because it leaked but because it got wet from the splashing at the sink. It's now drying out.
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Cheers! Mike had about 8 Disstons from the same source, I'd picked up a lovely NOS 6TPI from the local hardware shop back whe we lived in Stockport. They had given up trying to sell the good stuff to the locals and would find stuff buried in the store room they would offer me first refusal on for the original price. My axe puck had a price in old money pencilled on when I bought it. The 10 tpi filled a gap nicely.

I still want a few old school Tyzacks, plenty of brass or steel backed tenon saws turn up in excellent nick but not so much long saws.


Tom, I cant PM you

Id like the lapidary books, plus any crafts/heritage et al you may have

My cultural heritage institute will love theem
Hi Tengu, unfortunately when there was no takers on the books back in April they all went off to the charity shop, sorry.

Youre the second person who's not been able to PM me, no idea why.




We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.