Thankfully (as I don't enjoy shaving a lot) best I could grow would be a moustache and or a 'goatie' but saying that, at 57 I've still got a good head of hair with very little greying (is there any correlation between going bald and beard growth?). The wife detests beards, hates it if I miss a day shaving so for me, even if I could, growing a beard would be out of the question. My step father could grow a beard in days, he'd close shave in the morning and by evening the stubble was there sprouting through. After he retired he grew a beard but...always shaved a clean line under his chin so no one could accuse him of being too lazy to shave.
So, what types of beards are there
Lazy buggers who shave every few days (seems to be de rigour in the chaps on The Apprentice)
Full grown out of control
Full grown nicely trimmed
Just inappropriate on some people
Bushcraft (define please)
Any 'Tactical' beard growers out there, do you have to dye it black?
Feel free to add to the list of beard types.