Bushcafting and men's (and womans ;) ) best friend

May 12, 2007
Derby, UK
I always take one of my dogs,my bedo whippet Briar,He's the perfect companion,do's as he's told,Dosse's when i do with no probs,Also handy for a meal as he will take fur and feather,Feather, season permmiting.


John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
When campng with my dog my wife and I had to fight the little beggar for the sleeping bags - so we got him his own! - it was old, busted and tatty even before he got it so that he felt right at home....but he settled quickly inside a tent. Cleaning him up first could be a problem sometimes...
A medium sized beast, 1/4 sheep dog, 1/4 Spaniel, 1/2 Patterdale Terrier, our Parker was a character, and a bit of a wuss.
I remember waking one morning to find he had joined me in my sleeping bag by crawling into the open hood and I was wearing him like a cheap wig!

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
yes he's a lurcher :D he's greyhound/deerhound/saluki/bedlington terrier/collie that we know of ;) Mostly the first three. He is 30" to the shoulders adn so soppy it's ridiculous!

Don't worry he only jumps up at people who he knows. Everybody else he just kisses them lots :rolleyes: when he was a puppy he did jump up more and we try our best to discourage it. You tend to find that the owners of big dogs keep better control of the animal because the public are so fearful. It's the small dog owners that let the dogs become little s**ts :mad:

Dave Budd

Gold Trader
Staff member
Jan 8, 2006
Dartmoor (Devon)
yes he's a lurcher :D he's greyhound/deerhound/saluki/bedlington terrier/collie that we know of ;) Mostly the first three. He is 30" to the shoulders adn so soppy it's ridiculous!

Don't worry he only jumps up at people who he knows. Everybody else he just kisses them lots :rolleyes: when he was a puppy he did jump up more and we try our best to discourage it. You tend to find that the owners of big dogs keep better control of the animal because the public are so fearful. It's the small dog owners that let the dogs become little s**ts :mad:



Jan 20, 2007
yea ive got 2 dogs a lurcher and a spaniel

the lurcher likes to wander wound the house on his own and round the woods and so on with me and the spaniel is off her rocker and is completedly mad but is the best gun dog you could ever own.

both are well trained and very obediant and gentle

I really to hate defective owners who cannot train dogs


Oct 24, 2005
nr glasgow
dogs are what people would be if we could take out all the badness in mankind ..

just wondering how many of you actually take your dogs to obedience classes or any other dog orientated classes and actually clean up after your dogs ?

i have four dogs all but one ( 8 weeks old ) trained inobedience to a high standard .. in fact im an obedience trainer going thrugh my official qualifications at the moment

its also unfair to say that a dog jumped up on you .. as you have not given off the proper body language to prevent such things any fear of dogs should be shouted out at the earliest chance .. and a responsible dog owner will recall their dog(s)
anyone threatening me or my dogs while out will find themselves in hurt :)
Jul 15, 2006
its also unfair to say that a dog jumped up on you .. as you have not given off the proper body language to prevent such things any fear of dogs should be shouted out at the earliest chance .. and a responsible dog owner will recall their dog(s)
anyone threatening me or my dogs while out will find themselves in hurt :)

Sorry Gaspode (excellent username by the way!) I have to disagree with you on that.

I am entitled to go about my daily life without being molested by anyone or anything and I should not have to worry about what a dog (or a human for that matter) thinks about my body language. Nor should I, my wife or anyone for that matter have to declare to all and sundry any fears or phobias that we might have.

If we were talking about a pack of wild dogs, things would be different, but we're talking about domesticated animals here and if you chose to have a dog, then the onus is on you to control it and have due regard for other people (and animals).

My comments stand. If a dog tries to bite me, or jumps up at me or my wife, I will defend myself and her and that will be by use of force in the first instance and by force of Law afterwards.

Please bear in mind that ANY dog that bites someone who is walking / running along and minding there own business would be considered "dangerously out of control" and be liable to be put down and the person responsible for the dog fined.

Like I said a while back, I'm NOT ANTI-DOG, I just expect people to control their animals and have due regard for the wishes of others.

Rant over - normal service resumed :) :)


Apr 14, 2008
yes he's a lurcher :D he's greyhound/deerhound/saluki/bedlington terrier/collie that we know of ;) Mostly the first three. He is 30" to the shoulders adn so soppy it's ridiculous!

Don't worry he only jumps up at people who he knows. Everybody else he just kisses them lots :rolleyes: when he was a puppy he did jump up more and we try our best to discourage it. You tend to find that the owners of big dogs keep better control of the animal because the public are so fearful. It's the small dog owners that let the dogs become little s**ts :mad:

The one in the top left corner's a 3/4 deerhound, 1/8 greyhound, 1/8 summat else :dunno:
At nine months he's 32" and still growing :yikes: I need a bigger house!

As you say, as he's a big mutt I tend to be very conscious that he can be intimidating, especially as he's still in that boisterous puppy phase, so if we are out he goes on a lead as soon as I see any other people.

As for jumping up at folk he's rapidly learning that's not allowed.

British Red

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Dec 30, 2005
Spot on Surrey Yeoman. I should not have to fend off other peoples ill behaved and poorly controlled dogs either. Neither should I have to make a judgement call if the dog leaping at me is attacking or being exuberantly friendly.

No-one and no animal has the right to inconvenience other pepople - it is not for the person who is being leapt and, drooled on and scratched by the claws of the leaping animal to modify its behaviour, its for the owner who is irresponsible enough to allow their dog to be out of control. If your dog does that - keep it on the lead until you learn to train it properly. It is your animal and you should behave just as responsibly with it as you would with your axe, knife or chainsaw. If you allow it to be a problem to others, you should not have it. Period.

For the record I am also a dog lover - but if I have a dog, it is my responsibility as much as anything else I choose to own



Oct 1, 2007
ribble valley
If a dog tries to bite someone and gets a kick for its troubles that fair enough in my book,and i own 3 dogs who walk off lead through countryside ,but dont attack anyone or any livestock. Although they have been known to chase the odd deer.


just a quick point, yes a dog is the owners responsability, however it it a living breathing animal and can not be dealt with in the same way as an axe, knife and chainsaw, it will sometimes suprise the owner with behavior, that was not expected, and yes the owner should be prepared for everything, but in the real world this may not always be possible, dogs ARE wild animals, we curb there natural instincts with training, but they are a part of nature, and should be afforded the same respect, as all other types of nature always get from the people of this site:)


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