Might this software upgrade also resolve the speed issues Martyn?
I cant work miracles.

Might this software upgrade also resolve the speed issues Martyn?
bit regular this isn't it
Robbi, it's like a fine wine, or a great Diva...finely balanced that needs great care...and worth a heck of a lot to us knife nuts out here in cyberland
glad its not just me , spent days trying to change colourSame problem with me.Hopefully that horrible colour scheme will be gone!
"Sorry about the downtime folks. Unfortunately the database crashed out and it's not something I can fix remotely. My host has no idea why it happened, just one of those things I guess. My apologies and rest assured, normal service has resumed. Regards, Martyn. "
If the host has no idea a few alarm bells would be ringing for me,,, perhaps time to move on Martyn given the frequency of site failure.
not if it's not working![]()
just a general observation mate, nothing personal
Another important note is to use your mirrors!