I had never thought that Barbours could ever get to a stage of dereliction...the odd patching of a bit of binder twine and bent fuse wire is just an extreme patination, surely.
My preference is the Northumbria, it's the only one I've ever had, cos it has the longest back and its generous allowance of measure, together with its minimal lining, means I can always choose my own preference of insulation.
Learn the herringbone stitch, my jacket presently and proudly sports an all-up, cumulative length of around 14 inches of 'patination', mainly around cuffs, pockets and elbow seams.
It has never taken the Northbound journey back to Shields, for I've always done the re-proofing myself...I suspect that all the layers of beeswax is holding the thing together just as much as the stitching.
Regards all