Birch tree water

Robson Valley

On a new journey
Nov 24, 2014
McBride, BC
Might not necessarily be carbonizing. Lots of colors change by heating. Lots of flavors change by heating.
Like frying spice mixes. Change the shape, you change the function, taste in this case.
UV photons can break C - C bonds at room temp.

The chemicals in the sap must elevate the boiling point, also.

Local birch sap is clean water clear.
Same as the bleedings from my pruned grape vines (which the humming birds slurp up.)
The birch syrups are all a medium/dark brown.
The bottom of the pot may be quite a bit hotter, a thermal gradient, from there to the upper surface.

I'll ask. Sugaring Off has already started in parts Michigan and Wisconsin.
Quebec might go this month, as well.


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