Biker's pix of the 2012 Moot (16 low-res pix)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Hi Folks,
Finally got the photos back from the chemist!!

Enjoyed my time there? Loved it!!

My pitch in the woods. Did try using a hammock for a couple of nights but it didn't work out.

The living room. I didn't get a decent shot of the wine celler or the jacuzzi. John looks chilled out siting in... MY CHAIR! :nono:


The new scots corner? This was Eric Methven's leather teaching set up which doubled as a sitting area every night. Really good company every time I was there. I just nodded like I understood what was bening said... some of those accents?!! Ho boy!! Charles, Pete, Ashley, Andy and Eric are all from north of Hadrian's wall!

This is also where "Do you have bread?" was first shared. I still laugh out loud at that.


The regulars there. Ruud is notably missing.
L to R. John Fenna, Me, Pete, Lyndsey, Charles, Andy, Ashley, Eric Methven, Roy, Debs, Little Rhiannon, and Steve (Mesquite)


Roy and Debs taking a bumble bee back to her hive.


The twins. Comments were made about the apparent resemblance between us. I couldn't see it myself, I can't be that ugly can I? :lmao:


Charles putting my Bhutanese bow through it's paces. John looks on enviously (thanks for a great day Wayne)


"Little John" giving it large on his own bow. I have to admit, it was a beaut'.


Steve (white cowboy hat) showing off his ingenious hand made hammock. Stuart testing it out. John looking on hoping to review it one day. :lmao:


A sample of Mesquite (Steve's) spoonage. He made several whilst I was there, this one rocked!! Nice work Steve. Oh and I found you bamboo one in my pack once I unpacked here. Sorry. I'll post it to you soon.


Bushcraft TV. This one was the best of the fires we had in out camp, mostly because I started it using flint and steel under John's instruction. My first ever. Everyone commented on how good that fire looked too... well, mostly me truth be told.


Chris and Colin showing off their camp. Chris was a newbie to camping, it was the first time he'd ever slept under canvas. man he took to it like a duck to water. Well done mate! Colin (Crosslandkelly) did some amazing camp creations, a spit roast for their chicken as well as many other crafty things. I doubt he ever went to sleep the entire time. Note the foot rest.


Dingin in style. This was the candlelabra he made for the table. I was sooo impressed.


The two Betty's looking for each other. Almost cheek to cheek :naughty:


Big thanks to Tony for a for a really great 2 weeks sleeping rough, catching malaria, dysentry and being bitten by Ashley. Loved ever minute of it. Big hugs and thanks to Shelley for doing the admin as well as all the other mods involved.


I left the Moot on the Saturday and headed North east to Leicestershire to call in of Turbogirl (Sally) and she offered to get my washing done for me. Spent a couple of days there with her and her family and on the Sunday Trev' dragged me off to do a spot of skeet shooting. I impressed everyone with my constant misses. Wasn't until I got back here i realsied I hadn't taken a single picture of Sally. D'oh! Many thanks for the hospitality Sal.


Many happy memories of The Moot, got to put faces to names to so many people. Thanks for making me feel sooooo welcomed.

In the immortal words of The Terminator "I'll be back."
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Full Member
Aug 23, 2009
Nice pics, Aaron. Pity no-one photoed Rhiannon doing her Bumble bee impersonation though!

Hope to see ya next time!


Dec 15, 2005
Nice piccies Aaron

I'm glad you did the looky-likey with Dave, I was one of those who called it when you first joined :)

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Great pictures Biker.

Good to see that Mr Fenna actually shot the bow in the end.


Once I got it up and running that bow has seen lots of use!
My father/son bow has seen a lot of use as well :)
I have even bought my own arrows for them!:eek:


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Great set of pics Aaron... brings back fond memories of a great time spent in the woods with you, John and everyone else :)

Sadly the spoon isn't with me any more... actually it is but not in that shape :( My young bitch decided she'd show her joy of me being back home by pinching it out of the bag and give it a good chew...

I was not amused to put it mildly :censored:


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Great pics Aaron. I can't remember having spent a better two weeks (honeymoon aside). Met so many good people, can't wait till next year. best regards to you all.
Colin. :camping::beerchug::You_Rock_


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Looks awesome Aaron, bet your glad you made it now!! :)

Yeah no regrets whatsoever!

Thanks for the comments folks, couldn't have done it without you lot. Shame about that spoon Steve, but at least the dog enjoyed using it for a bit.

I had some other pix as well but they've been repeated already in others postings. Didn't get any of the Bhutanese bow making nor the basket weaving, or the pig roast, I guess I was too busy enjoying myself to remember to take photos.

Many happy memories came home with me in my car. Thanks for making my first Moot so good.



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