Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker! Happy Hurricane Day!

K5083, the prototype Hawker Hurricane at Brooklands prior to its maiden flight. Construction of the first prototype, K5083, began in August 1935 incorporating the PV-12 Merlin engine. The completed sections of the aircraft were taken to Brooklands, where Hawker had an assembly shed, and re-assembled on 23 October 1935. Ground testing and taxi trials took place over the following two weeks, and on 6 November 1935, the prototype took to the air for the first time, at the hands of Hawker's chief test pilot, Flight Lieutenant P.W.S. Bulman.

Pa, on this day in 1935 - 1st test flight of Hawker Hurricane fighter aircraft.

The Hawker Hurricane is a British single-seat fighter aircraft that was designed and predominantly built by Hawker Aircraft Ltd for the Royal Air Force (RAF). Although largely overshadowed by the Supermarine Spitfire, the aircraft became renowned during the Battle of Britain, accounting for 60% of the RAF's air victories in the battle, and served in all the major theatres of the Second World War.
The 1930s design evolved through several versions and adaptations, resulting in a series of aircraft which acted as interceptor-fighters, fighter-bombers (also called "Hurribombers"), and ground support aircraft. Further versions known as the Sea Hurricane had modifications which enabled operation from ships. Some were converted as catapult-launched convoy escorts, known as "Hurricats". More than 14,000 Hurricanes were built by the end of 1944 (including at least 800 converted to Sea Hurricanes and some 1,400 built in Canada by Canadian Car and Foundry).
At the time that the Hurricane was developed RAF Fighter Command consisted of just 13 squadrons, each equipped with either the Hawker Fury, Hawker Demon, or the Bristol Bulldog, all biplanes with fixed-pitch wooden propellers and non-retractable undercarriages. Sydney Camm's design to meet F.7/30, the Hawker P.V.3, was essentially a scaled-up version of the Fury and was not among the proposals submitted to the Air Ministry selected for building as a government sponsored prototype. After the rejection of the P.V.3 Camm started work on a cantilever monoplane with a fixed undercarriage armed with four machine guns and powered by the Rolls-Royce Goshawk. Detail drawings were finished by January 1934 but failed to impress the Air Ministry enough for a prototype to be ordered. Camm's response was to further develop the design, introducing a retractable undercarriage and replacing the unsatisfactory Goshawk with a new Rolls-Royce design, the PV-12, later to become famous as the Merlin. In August 1934, a one-tenth scale model was made and sent to the National Physical Laboratory at Teddington. A series of wind tunnel tests confirmed the aerodynamic qualities of the design were in order, and in September Camm approached the Air Ministry again. This time the response was favourable, and a prototype of the "Interceptor Monoplane" was ordered.

Shortly after this the Air Ministry issued Specification F.5/34 which, drawing on the work of Squadron Leader Ralph Sorley, called for fighter aircraft to be armed with eight guns. However by this time, work had progressed too far to immediately modify the planned four-gun installation. By January 1935, a wooden mock-up had been finished, and although a number of suggestions for detail changes were made construction of the prototype was approved, and a new specification (F.36/34) was written around the design. In July 1935, this specification was amended to include installation of eight guns.
Work on the airframe was completed at the end of August 1935 and the aircraft components were taken to Brooklands, where Hawkers had an assembly shed, and re-assembled on 23 October 1935. Ground testing and taxi trials took place over the following two weeks, and on 6 November 1935, the prototype took to the air for the first time at the hands of Hawker's chief test pilot, Flight Lieutenant (later Group Captain) George Bulman. Bulman was assisted by two other pilots in subsequent flight testing; Philip Lucas flew some of the experimental test flights, while John Hindmarsh conducted the firm's production flight trials.
RAF trials of the aircraft at Martlesham Heath began in February 1936. Sammy Wroath, later to be the founding Commandant of the Empire Test Pilot School, was the RAF test pilot for the Hurricane: his report was favorable, stating "The aircraft is simple and easy to fly and has no apparent vices" and going on to praise its control response. The type name "Hurricane" proposed by Hawkers was approved by the Air Ministry on 26 June; an informal christening ceremony was carried out the next month when King George VI paid a visit to Martlesham Heath.
Further testing showed that the Hurricane had poor spin recovery characteristics, with all rudder authority being lost. Hawker's response was to request that spinning tests be waived, but the Air Ministry refused the request; the situation was resolved by the Royal Aircraft Establishment, who established that the problem was caused by a breakdown of the airflow over the lower fuselage, and could be cured by the addition of a small ventral fairing and extension of the bottom of the rudder. This discovery came too late to be incorporated in the first production aircraft, but was introduced in the 61st built and all subsequent aircraft.

A Royal Air Force Hawker Hurricane Mark IIC (s/n BE500, 'LK-A', "United Provinces Cawnpore") being flown by Squadron Leader Dennis Smallwood, the Commanding Officer of No. 87 Squadron RAF based at RAF Charmy Down, Somerset (UK). No. 87 Squadron was one of the first RAF night fighter squadrons. Sqn Ldr Smallwood led the squadron in 1941-42, when most intercepts were made entirely without on-board radar. The aircraft is painted in an overall black scheme known in the RAF as "Special Night".
BE500 subsequently served with No. 533 Squadron RAF and finally in the Far East.

Date early 1942


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Would in brand me as a heretic to say I wasn't so keen on the shape of the Hurricane? It was a good plane, no doubt, and the name was great too, but ... there's something about the whole shape of it that just didn't endear me to it. Obviously the Spitfire had much better lines but everyone and his dog knows that.

Happy Hurricane day lads.


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Night night Unc:

Highland Fairy Lullaby

I left my baby lying here,
Lying here, lying here
I left my baby lying here
To go and gather blaeberries.

I found the wee brown otter's track
Otter's track, otter's track
I found the wee brown otter's track
But ne'er a trace o' my baby, O!

I found the track of the swan on the lake
Swan on the lake, swan on the lake
I found the track of the swan on the lake
But not the track of baby, O!

I found the trail of the mountain mist
Mountain mist, mountain mist
I found the trail of the mountain mist
But ne'er a trace of baby, O!

Hovan, Hovan Gorry og O,
Gorry og, O, Gorry og O
Hovan, Hovan Gorry og O
I've lost my darling baby, O

That would scare any child to sleep.:lmao:


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
Would in brand me as a heretic to say I wasn't so keen on the shape of the Hurricane? It was a good plane, no doubt, and the name was great too, but ... there's something about the whole shape of it that just didn't endear me to it. Obviously the Spitfire had much better lines but everyone and his dog knows that.

Happy Hurricane day lads.

I always liked the shape of the Hurricane.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Stands back gasping! Dinnie like the Hurricane laddie, hud me back! Ah well we all have opinions, I always preferred the Hurricane over the Spitfire, even as a kid. Did more to win the war too. Though the Spitfire was a rally point for folk and good for moral. (Like a dumb but pretty girl);)


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Though those Swordfish punched way above their weight, funny how planes like the Spit and Stuka became icons and things like the Beaufighter got forgotten.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
No complaints from me about the Beaufighter or the Swordfish, I just wasn't keen on the Hurricane. At Manston in Kent there's a Spitfire and Hurricane museum, with each plane on display and I love going around that when I'm in the UK I also knew the Hurricane downed a higher proportion of Goering's best than the Spitfire... still didn't change my opinion though. Ugly duckling that never got any prettier with age I suppose.

Now the P38 Lightning was a sexy plane too, and the P47 Thunderbolt was a mean looking plane as well.

We're on the same page about the Warthog too.

PS Don't forget the Blenheim.

PPS Speaking of ugly planes though, the parents of designer for theBlohm und Voss Bv141 should never have met! :lmao:


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
No complaints from me about the Beaufighter or the Swordfish, I just wasn't keen on the Hurricane. At Manston in Kent there's a Spitfire and Hurricane museum, with each plane on display and I love going around that when I'm in the UK I also knew the Hurricane downed a higher proportion of Goering's best than the Spitfire... still didn't change my opinion though. Ugly duckling that never got any prettier with age I suppose.

Now the P38 Lightning was a sexy plane too, and the P47 Thunderbolt was a mean looking plane as well.

We're on the same page about the Warthog too.

PS Don't forget the Blenheim.

PPS Speaking of ugly planes though, the parents of designer for theBlohm und Voss Bv141 should never have met! :lmao:

Awww the poor German Quasimodo plane...


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Huon in case you didn't see it elsewhere your inbox is full!

I always (quietly) wanted one of those vans or a 2cv, really fun to drive.


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