Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


May 12, 2004
Everyone has their faults... just not as bad as that though :p

Oh dear lord no!

I've been able to live with everything this family has done so far but this has shaken me.


Oops! Quoted the wrong post but we all know which one I meant.

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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker! Crusade Day!
Biker! On this day in 1096 - Sultan Kilidj Arslan of Nicea defeats 1st Crusaders.

Kilij Arslan was the Seljuq Sultan of Rûm from 1092 until his death in 1107. He ruled the Sultanate during the time of the First Crusade and thus faced the brunt of the entire attack. He also re-established the Sultanate of Rum after the death of Malik Shah I of Great Seljuq and soundly defeated the Crusaders in three separate battles during the Crusade of 1101 which arose as a well-managed response to the First Crusade.After the death of his father, Suleyman, in 1086, he became a hostage of Sultan Malik Shah I of Great Seljuq, but was released when Malik Shah died in 1092. Kilij Arslan then marched at the head of the Turkish Oghuz Yiva tribe army and set up his capital at Nicaea, replacing Amin 'l Ghazni, the governor appointed by Malik Shah I.
Following the death of Malik Shah I the individual tribes; the Danishmends, Mangujekids, Saltuqids, Chaka, Tengribirmish begs, Artuqids (Ortoqids), and Akhlat-Shahs; had started vying with each other to establish their own independent states. Alexius Comnenus's Byzantine intrigues further complicated the situation. He married the daughter of the Emir of the Chaka to attempt to ally himself against the Byzantines, who commanded a strong naval fleet. In 1094, Kilij Arslan received a letter from Alexius suggesting that the Chaka sought to target him to move onto the Byzantines, thereupon Kilij Arslan marched with an army to Smyrna, Chaka’s capital, and invited his father-in-law to a banquet in his tent where he slew him while he was intoxicated.
The Peasants' Crusade army of Peter the Hermit and Walter the Penniless arrived at Nicaea in 1096. A German contingent of the crusade overran the castle Xerigordon and held it until Kilij sent a force to starve them out. Those that renounced Christianity were spared and sent into captivity to the east, the rest were slaughtered.
The remainder of Peter's crusade was surprised near the village of Dracon by Kilij Arslan's army. They were easily defeated and around 30,000 men, women and children were killed. He then invaded the Danishmend Emirate of Malik Ghazi in eastern Anatolia.
Because of this easy first victory he did not consider the main crusade army, led by various nobles of western Europe, to be a serious threat. He resumed his war with the Danishmends, and was away from Nicaea when these new Crusaders besiege Nicae in May 1097. He hurried back to his capital to find it surrounded by the Crusaders, and was defeated in battle with them on May 21. The city then surrendered to the Byzantines and his wife and children were captured. When the crusaders sent the Sultana to Constantinople, to their dismay she was later returned without ransom in 1097 because of the relationship between Kilij Arslan and Alexius Comnenus.
As result of the stronger invasion, Rüm and the Danismends allied in their attempt to turn back the crusaders. The Crusaders continued split their forces as they marched across Anatolia. The combined Danishmend and Rüm forces planned to ambush the Crusaders near Dorylaeum on June 29. However, Kilij Arslan's horse archers could not penetrate the line of defense set up by the Crusader knights, and the main body under Bohemund arrived to capture the Turkish camp on July 1. Kilij Arslan retreated, however, afterwards, inflicted heavy losses to the Crusader Army with guerilla warfare and hit-and-run tactics. He also destroyed crops and water supplies along their route in order to damage logistical supplying of the Crusader Army.
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Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Crusades day eh? Well it's my youngest daughter Rhiannon's birthday today (Happy 20th Birthday sweetheart) which coincides with the anniversary of another famous battle that took place.

Here's a little comp for you: Without looking it up where did the battle of Trafalgar take place? ... don't say "The Sea" or slappings will be issued forthwith. :nono:

For those who don't have a clue here's the answer. For some reason I grew up thinking it was elsewhere, it was only some decades later that I took the time to find out and was surprised at the answer.



It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
Here's a little comp for you: Without looking it up where did the battle of Trafalgar take place? ... don't say "The Sea" or slappings will be issued forthwith. :nono:

It took place off the Cape Trafalgar.

Little fact for you, all sea battles are traditionally named after the nearest point of land to the battle site


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
It took place off the Cape Trafalgar.

Little fact for you, all sea battles are traditionally named after the nearest point of land to the battle site

Granted. But it wasn't until much later in life that I finally discovered which country this cape of Trafalgar was sat by. For some reason I had it in my head is was somewhere near Holland. D'oh!


May 12, 2004
There's a fairly strong clue in the name surely? Am I missing something? I'm still reeling after Unca Kelly's Mateus Rose revelations so it'll be a while before I'm back up to full speed. I'm on a diet of Pago de Carraovejas until I recover.

Crusades day eh? Well it's my youngest daughter Rhiannon's birthday today (Happy 20th Birthday sweetheart) which coincides with the anniversary of another famous battle that took place.

Here's a little comp for you: Without looking it up where did the battle of Trafalgar take place? ... don't say "The Sea" or slappings will be issued forthwith. :nono:

For those who don't have a clue here's the answer. For some reason I grew up thinking it was elsewhere, it was only some decades later that I took the time to find out and was surprised at the answer.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
There's a fairly strong clue in the name surely? Am I missing something? I'm still reeling after Unca Kelly's Mateus Rose revelations so it'll be a while before I'm back up to full speed. I'm on a diet of Pago de Carraovejas until I recover.

True but if you don't know where Trafalgar is located then it's no good. Bit like saying the battle of Antisiranana if you don't know where Antisiranana is you're foundering in the shoals. Obviously I didn't know where Trafalgar was. Just one of those gaps in my education that was a surprise when it was filled.


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Granted. But it wasn't until much later in life that I finally discovered which country this cape of Trafalgar was sat by. For some reason I had it in my head is was somewhere near Holland. D'oh!

Were you thinking of the Battle of Camperdown (Kamperduin)?


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
There's a fairly strong clue in the name surely? Am I missing something? I'm still reeling after Unca Kelly's Mateus Rose revelations so it'll be a while before I'm back up to full speed. I'm on a diet of Pago de Carraovejas until I recover.

But that's what the war was really about, to ensure Uncle Kellys supply of Mateus Rosé from Portugal by sea! So you not like Mateus or just rosé in general?


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