Biker, Happy Joan of Arc Day!


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005

Plans to raise a statue to stop traffic cones being placed on its head have been withdrawn after a public outcry.
Thousands of people signed an online petition saying the cone on the Duke of Wellington monument has become part of the city's landscape.
The council planned to spend £65,000 in a refurbishment proposal aimed at ending the practice of placing a cone on the figure's head, which it said projects a "depressing" image of Glasgow.
It said it wanted to deter people from tampering with the statue outside the Gallery of Modern Art in Royal Exchange Square, by raising the plinth on which it stands to 6ft (1.8m) and "deter all but the most determined of vandals".
The petition, organised by Donna Yates and Gavin Doig, attracted more than 10,000 signatures and a Facebook page set up to "save the cone" has had 45,000 likes.
A council spokesman said today: "The wording of the report was appalling and the leader of the council has instructed officers to withdraw the planning application."
The statue was sculpted by Italian artist Carlo Marochetti and erected in 1844 to mark the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo. Over the years, students and other revellers have placed an orange traffic cone on Wellington's head, making it an almost-permanent feature of the statue.
According to the council, the cost of removing the cone each time is £100.
"The cone on Wellington's head is an iconic part of Glasgow's heritage, and means far more to the people of Glasgow and to visitors than Wellington himself ever has," the petition says.
Campaigner Michael Gray was at the statue this morning, wearing a cone-shaped hat, and was glad to hear that the plans had been dropped.
"I think it was a big mistake; 45,000 people have liked a Facebook page campaign to save the cone from the council's decision and there was no consultation. It was just taken from on high by the council but we're happy now that they've backed down," he said.
"It's funny and cheers people up on their way to work and I think that's a good thing for the city. It's difficult to put a price on something like that.
"If they had raised it, I think someone would have just put it back on. It's already quite high so no matter how high it is, someone would just get a bigger ladder."
Mr Gray has organised a protest at the statue for later today, although he said there will now be a change of tone.
"Due to the cone-siderable outcry from the citizens of Glasgow, we organised a protest to save the cone this evening, but it will now be a celebration of the cone," he said.
"I'm sure people will have cone hats and outfits and there will be plenty of cone puns on signs."
Some people outlined their objections to the plan on the online petition.
Jennie Kermode wrote: "As a regular writer of tourist brochures, I note that much of what attracts visitors to Glasgow is the humour of its people. This is not something the council should be ashamed of.''
Lara Davis wrote: "The cone is more of a symbol of the defiant, fun spirit which Glasgow has always embodied and for which it's renowned throughout the world."
But some people supported the council's plan.
Sandy Stoddart, the Queen's sculptor in Scotland, told The Herald newspaper: "Any move to end the tedious, unfunny, irreverent and strangely righteous addiction Glasgow has had to coning the Wellington statue I greet with warmth.
"The single most embarrassing thing about the culture of Glasgow has been the cone on the Duke's head. It is detestable."



Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Biker! Happy Battle of Sheriffmuir Day!

Biker! This ones close to my home for me as there was only one house left standing in my village after the battle as today in 1715 - Significant battle at Sheriffmuir during Jacobite rebellion. Battle inconclusive but Government forces able halt advance of Jacobite army lead by Scottish Earl of Mar.

The Battle of Sheriffmuir (Scottish Gaelic: 'Blàr Sliabh an t-Siorraim') was an engagement in 1715 at the height of the Jacobite rebellion in England and Scotland. The battlefield has been inventoried and protected by Historic Scotland under the Scottish Historical Environment Policy of 2009.John Erskine, 6th Earl of Mar, standard-bearer for the Jacobite cause in Scotland, mustered Highland chiefs, and on 6 September declared James Francis Edward Stuart (the "Old Pretender") as King of Scots. With an army of about 12,000 men Mar proceeded to take Perth, and commanded much of the northern Highlands. Following unsuccessful skirmishes against John Campbell, 2nd Duke of Argyll (based at Stirling), Mar was eventually persuaded to lead his full army south, on 10 November. Spies informed Argyll of Mar's actions, and he moved his army of about 4,000 to Sheriffmuir, near Dunblane. The two armies met on the battlefield on 13 November.
Argyll was seriously outnumbered by the Jacobite army (which was somewhat diminished from its previous numbers), and his left wing, commanded by General Whetham, was far shorter than the Jacobites' opposing right. Argyll's right wing attacked, and managed to drive the Highlanders back, but Whetham's soldiers were overpowered by a much larger force. Argyll came to the aid of Whetham's men. By evening, both armies were seriously reduced, and although Mar had a great advantage in numbers, he refused to risk the entirety of his army, allowing Argyll to withdraw.
The battle was inconclusive with both sides claiming victory. However in strategic terms Argyll had halted the Jacobite advance. Those government regiments present that were titled 'King's' were awarded the White Horse of Hanover as a badge of battle honour. The engagement only served to demoralize the Jacobite army who, with their superior numbers, felt they should have decisively won. Mar's French and Spanish supporters in particular withdrew their forces.
On 23 December, the Old Pretender, who had been exiled in France, landed at Peterhead, his cause largely lost. He met with Mar at Perth, but was unable to rouse the disheartened army. Argyll, reinforced and invigorated, soon advanced north, while the Jacobite army fled to Montrose, and the Pretender returned to France. The Army moved to Ruthven, and dispersed.
The period was fatal in the extreme to the Jacobite Pretender. The whole body of his adherents in the south had fallen into the hands of generals Willis and Carpenter at Preston, and Inverness, with all the adjacent country, had been recovered to the government, through the exertions of pro-government clans including the Earl of Sutherland, Fraser Lord Lovat, the Rosses, the Munros, and the Forbeses.
The number of the slain on the side of the rebels has been stated to have been eight hundred, among whom were the John Lyon, 5th Earl of Strathmore and Kinghorne and the chief of the Clan MacDonald of Clan Ranald, and several others of distinction. James Maule, 4th Earl of Panmure and Drummond of Logie were among the wounded. It meant that the Jacobite army had to withdraw to Perth. Argyll considered himself the victor and struck a medal to commemorate his feat.
Of the government army there were killed, and wounded, upwards of six hundred. Archibald Douglas, 2nd Earl of Forfar was the only person of eminence killed on that side.
A popular Jacobite song, "Will Ye Go to Sheriffmuir", was written about the battle. As with many such songs, the battle is presented as a noble victory for the Jacobite army. The song was collected by, and perhaps written by, James Hogg in 1819.




Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Call me a cynic, but I can't help but think of the common foot soldier, on whichever side of the battle he stood, standing there about to put himself in harms way for some lofty upperclass **** who wouldn't give to tuppence for him, yet will quite happily let this common man bleed for him and his political ambitions.

Like I said call me a cynic.

Catch ya later kiddies, first dry day we've had here in 10 days so I'm off out early to buy some plasterboard sheets!




Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Hope the rain stays off Pa, don't want soggy boards.

I try to avoid war (apart from cool machinery) in these postings, WWII would fill the place with so much being recorded. But todays was close to home, one house was left unburned in our village as he was someone with political ties. I even know which one. I just think of all those poor villagers with their homes and crops destroyed.

Unfortunately in most cases history is indeed written by the winners as a form of self aggrandisement. So the ordinary mans tale often goes untold. I have a fair collection of history books, but often the most poignant ones are those of collected letters and diaries of actual soldiers in the line. Totally heartrending and yet giving me hope for the human spirit.

Enjoying your blog keep it coming,


Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
Still gotta work on Cousin Peter though...

You know I just found out he was based on the Judas Priest suicide attemptee James Vance...

[h=4]Subliminal message trial[edit][/h]In the summer of 1990, the band was involved in a civil action that alleged they were responsible for the self-inflicted gunshot wounds in 1985 of 20-year-old James Vance and 18-year-old Raymond Belknap in Sparks, Nevada, USA. On 23 December 1985, Vance and Belknap, after hours of drinking beer, smoking marijuana and allegedly listening to Judas Priest, went to a playground at a church in Sparks with a 12-gauge shotgun to end their lives. Belknap was the first to place the shotgun under his chin. He died instantly after pulling the trigger. Vance then shot himself but survived, suffering severe facial injuries. Following numerous complications, Vance too passed away three years after the shooting.
The men's parents and their legal team alleged that a subliminal message of "do it" had been included in the Judas Priest song "Better By You, Better Than Me" from the Stained Class album (actually a cover of a Spooky Tooth number). They alleged the command in the song triggered the suicide attempt. The trial lasted from 16 July to 24 August 1990, when the suit was dismissed. One of the defence witnesses, Dr. Timothy E. Moore, wrote an article for Skeptical Inquirer chronicling the trial.
The trial was covered in the 1991 documentary Dream Deceivers: The Story Behind James Vance Vs. Judas Priest.

Poor sod.
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Jul 30, 2012
[h=4]Subliminal message trial[edit][/h]In the summer of 1990, the band was involved in a civil action that alleged they were responsible for the self-inflicted gunshot wounds in 1985 of 20-year-old James Vance and 18-year-old Raymond Belknap in Sparks, Nevada, USA. On 23 December 1985, Vance and Belknap, after hours of drinking beer, smoking marijuana and allegedly listening to Judas Priest, went to a playground at a church in Sparks with a 12-gauge shotgun to end their lives. Belknap was the first to place the shotgun under his chin. He died instantly after pulling the trigger. Vance then shot himself but survived, suffering severe facial injuries.

Poor sod.

do you read much of the preacher comics. Read on wikipedia that the leaders an overeating gluttenous, morbidly obese bulimic who uses a two pronged stick to induce vomiting over himself in public. Not my sort of thing.
Also a mid op snap of you from the family album, it was going well at this stage . Hope I can look forward to such good results.

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Full Member
Jan 31, 2005
do you read much of the preacher comics. Read on wikipedia that the leaders an overeating gluttenous, morbidly obese bulimic who uses a two pronged stick to induce vomiting in public. Not my sort of thing.
Also a mid op snap of you from the family album, it was going well at this stage . Hope I can look forward to such good results.

View attachment 25042

Yup I read them all in collected form, very good and pretty ground breaking, would recommend giving them a go. What look are you wanting to go for this time? I've been learning Retrophrenology and would gladly help out!


Full Member
Jun 9, 2009
North West London
This is pretty weird, just keep your eyes on the cross, and go full screen.

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