Bicycles - what do you have?

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roughin it. I want one NOW!!!!!
That camper bike looks great & would be ideal in the netherlands but I would not want to try going up OR down a steep hill in one...
i have a 1930s single speed rudge theres nothing much to go wrong apart from geting a flat but you have to be super human to get up some hills but it goes like stink down hill .
Talking of flats. I had one today about 4 miles from the car so had to walk back... It was downhill most of the way but I need to get one of those small saddle bags with a puncture repair kit, CO2 pump thing etc... Still I had a great afternoon out and it is doing me some good so I cant complain.
I've just found this thread by chance, right after doing up an old steel frame MTB specifically for rough stuff and bushcraft. The plan is to tour as much of Britain off road as I can, chronicling the endeavour in a blog - Here's some pics of the bike as it was and what I've done to it.



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I've just found this thread by chance, right after doing up an old steel frame MTB specifically for rough stuff and bushcraft, with a view to touring as much of Britain off road as I can. Here's some pics of the bike as it was and what I've done to it.




Nice work there, You just can't beat the old steel MTB frames for turning into touring bikes, i've just done something very similar too with a 14 year old Orange P7. Will post some photo's when i get time.
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bikes on here? i didnt expect where do i start...... im no good at the techno bit so no piccies im afraid but i commute on a claude butler hybrid, winter train on a giant scr, time trial and triathlon (slowly) on a planet x pro carbon, full sus for scotland etc on a salsa el santo, thetford and about on a marin nailtrail, cant bear to part with my first off roader marin bobcat and have a felt cruiser/bmx

anyone here a Basher? as in flour and bikes and beer?
Lightweight prototype Mercian - like an 80s hardtail mtb, but built with 653 tubing and using drop bars.
Ribble winter audax, running slicks and aerobars, for fast commuting.
Funnily enough i just read about the mudguard issue last night after posting the pics. I'm having problems with those tyres taking up too much space anyway so will probably switch to something smaller. Thanks for the tip all the same.
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Specialised Hardrock Pro Disc 2011. Got it for xmas and love it to bits better than any other bike Ive ever had- ride it at least twice a week every week.
Cant get rid of my old GT Palomar though (partly because I built my trailer to fit it perfectly and it doesnt fit properly on my hardrock grrr)
This week I'll mostly be riding my old Cannondale...

Oh, that brings back some pleasant memories! I borrowed one of those from a co-worker while I was doing some Web design for a law firm in LA. He'd bought it from a policeman friend for twenty dollars. I kid you not, twenty dollars for a Cannondale in near perfect condition. The law firm's offices were near Hollywood but they rented me an apartment at the Oakwood Marina del Rey, a kind of gated sports-centre-hotel hybrid with open air swimming pools etc.. So every day I had to cycle eight miles from the pool to work, then another eight miles back to the pool, where there were never less than a couple of dozen tanned and uninhibited thirty-something divorcees looking for action. It was hell. :)
I mentioned that my Trek bike got stolen in this thread. Well I was working at a nature reserve and we got to talking about bikes and I mentioned that mine had been stolen. One of the volunteers said he had a spare bike in his garage and that I was welcome to have it if I wanted it. I went to have a look not expecting much. He pulled it out of a pile of junk, it had flat tyres and was covered in sawdust but this is what I got!

IMAG0147, on Flickr

Now that made me happy. :35: I pumped up the tyres and suspension, fiddled with the gear settings for a few hours and now it's an even better ride than the bike that got stolen! :cool:


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