Bet I'm way behind here.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
If any one has 48 mins to spare, this programme is quite interesting even though it is to be taken with a pinch of salt as it is rather 'real tv ish'

You ain't kidding! :banghead:

I got 2:39 minutes into it and felt like putting my foot through the monitor. How they managed to cram so much X-files, CSI, joggling camera, type action/drama into less than 3 minutes boggles my mind. Decided, for the sake of my monitor, I'd best not watch anymore, but thanks for posting. The subject matter is fascinating, the presentation of it lousy. Where's that gentle quietness that David Attenborough does so well?

Maybe I'm just getting old?

Chris the Cat

Full Member
Jan 29, 2008
Sorry mate, yes the book.
Have not looked at the 'doc' yet.
Hadn't had my morning brew when I posted, thats my excuse!
but if you find a copy of the book, buy it.
you will not be dissapointed.



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