Difficult question without knowing what batteries your happy using or size of light. I think you are going to struggle with anything under AA size batteries to get the Lumens and throw and thus go up a size of light?
Using CR123A size cells you can get the output and throw no problem but in a thicker but shorter size light than an AA cell light. But then you have to use expensive Lithium cells.
As AAA is pretty much out you are looking in the AA size range so something like a Fenix E12, Thrunite Nuetron 1A, Jetbeam BA would be ok for to about 150 Lumens but can use just regular NIMH AA batteries.
I'm thinking that a hybrid AA/14500 cell light may be an option, something like an Eagletac D26A, Olight S15 Batton or any of the Zebralight AA lights. Can use regular AA NIMH for lower output or 14500 Lithium for max power?