Belated introduction


Hello everyone, since there is a special space for introductions I thought I should add myself and ALSO having been on the Bushmoot last week - I'd appreciate some help with matching people I met to forum names, if you please? .... If you think you know me, can you introduce yourselves to me? :) And if you don't know me then please introduce yourself to me anyway.

I'm Relfy aka Eleanor/El and some other names at the bushmoot that I have yet to see which stick....

I live on a narrowboat in Gloucestershire since landing there 3 years ago, having lived nearly everywhere else for a few months at a time for many years.

I do a lot of walking: mountains, lowlands, rain, shine, hail, cannot sit still, have to get out (especiallly now I live in a shoebox)... I also spend a lot of time fixing broken things (cars, boats, anything else anyone wants mended) and then sometimes I pretend to be a hydrologist and noone can tell me I'm wrong because they don't know either... I've managed to keep up this bluff for 6 years now and am shortly to be made redundant so I'm seeing it as a big relief and an opportunity to have completely new adventure :)

I'm not geeky about bushcraft I'm afraid, but I've always just done things that now I find come under the title 'bushcraft' like foraging, preserving, making fires, knowing the species of things and their uses and dangers, tracking, exploring... I do this wherever I am every day as a way of life - get home from work go out and see what's growing, who is nesting etc - (growing up on a farm probably helped with this) - I've always been by myself mostly though, so its an interesting concept for me to have other people around who treat it more academically and sociably - and this is fab! :) The Bushmoot was fantastic!! And I blame my sister Cyclingrelf for introducing me to it and the BCUK site. :You_Rock_
....At the moot, Rich convinced me that friction fire (hand drill - can't get on with bow drill) is more satisfying than matches and believe me - that is a big deal. I am thinking I might now be on the slippery slope to bushcraft geekdom.

Lots more I could say, but gotta stop somewhere. Don't want to bore you - and anyway, if I write it here, you won't buy my book when I finish it ;)

Please come and introduce yourself to me so I know who's who as I am currently bewildered!


Hello, Ahoy! Hi :)

Right, now I know Cap'n Badger is who he says he is... or so he says ;) Matt you are Matthew Passmore, John Fenna - yes we met, there is no forgetting that big grin :)

Susannah, as this only seems to be working to a certain degree, do you think you could tell me who everyone else I met is? I know James is jdlenton... Sargey and Maddave, Cobweb and Firecrest, Drewdunnrespect, Richard of hand-drill fame is rich59. That's about as far as I've got I think ...


Thanks Dave :) You are a star. I had a look at my legs since being home and with all the will in the world theyre not really tomb raider.... But for the purposes of feeling good, I am willing to indulge this illusion for as long as possible :)

Andyre, Thanks! I reckon I've placed your face as there were 2 nice scottish accents in the dark and I met both of you the following morning :) I really like your 09, its like those stone figurines you can buy all over the place at the moment of two people hugging. Ahh :)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.