Some of you know my web site but It's been getting a little unwieldy lately because it's grown so large.
So recently I decided it needed splitting up and a bit of a redesign.
What I would be very interested in would be some opinions about how it looks now.
It's divided into three parts, the living history part is still .
The landscape photography is now and has had the biggest revamp.
The Bushcraft bit is now .
There are bits that still need finishing but I would be interested in opinions before I finish the job.
So recently I decided it needed splitting up and a bit of a redesign.
What I would be very interested in would be some opinions about how it looks now.
It's divided into three parts, the living history part is still .
The landscape photography is now and has had the biggest revamp.
The Bushcraft bit is now .
There are bits that still need finishing but I would be interested in opinions before I finish the job.