Best wishes for what ever you decide to do, if you pass Leicestershire, I'll join you for a leg of your journey, or if you just want a hot meal and/or a bath, you are more than welcome
Good luck! I was made redunadnant from a management positiona nd took the opportunity to re train - as a teacher.
But my thoughts - why give up your flat? Fill in a few forms and your local council wlll pay the rent. Afterall, you have worked all your adult life...
Whatever you decide - enjoy!
It might be useful to have somewhere to go where you can get work, Try to get info on fruit/veg picking jobs etc.
...Where do you start? I would aim to get Scotland "done" in the summer and then down south for the winter months.
I think it sounds great.
Some thoughts.
Being homeless (as opposed to travelling) is damned hard. Have a bolt hole (your parents place - whatever). If you get sick and need to recuperate, a place to be is important.
Beware cities, they trap your money and are really not that great places to be when travelling,
Join the YHA - access to showers etc. is important.
Get a railcard. Sometimes just another location matters.
Never, ever, sleep on your back.
Have fun.
...Never, ever, sleep on your back....
basically you work hard all your life and you get to keep your own home, where you lie in bed in your own excrement waiting for a nurse who can only see you for 4 minutes and (hopefully) give you a drink. If thats what is waiting for those of us who keep a job, get a pension and pay off their mortgage then heaven forbid it cannot be THAT much worse for those that dont!
sadly that outlook on life/mentality is drummed into people from an early age in this country, especially in the state school system. Go to school/college/uni, get job, earn money, spend money, retire, die. So it can be incredibly difficult for people to realise that there is any alternative atall, and lots of pressure for them not to deviate from the orthodoxy.
I know quite a few people who live or have lived quite alternative and sometimes nomadic lifestyles in the UK and got on really well with it (my parents were of the artistic, long hair, tye-died clothes persuasion lol and have some very unusual friends). Most eventually settled down somewhere and into something to apply themselves too, once they found out what that was. All of them are very happy!
Taking the opportunity to explore a new paradigm for how you live your life can only be a good thing!