This is a long post but please don't be put off reading as i need as many suggestions and opinions as i can get from the good members of BcUK.
Right, where do i start?
A few weeks ago i came back from a relaxing weeks holiday from work only to be summoned into the board room for a meeting. To cut a long story short, my company is falling apart and redundancies are being made in my department, and it would appear that I am to be one of the first to lose his job.
At first, as you can imagine, I started to panic.
''What on earth will I do?'' I thought, and sleepless nights followed as i my mind raced thinking of companies i would go crawling to in search of work, and how long i could last out of work until i lost my flat.
I have been thinking however, and this unfortunate situation may have presented an opportunity for me to do something that I otherwise may never have done.
You see, aside from my flat I have no real commitments - no wife or girlfriend, no children, no mortgage (I rent), no strong family ties etc etc. So I have been given the blessing, if you will, of freedom from responsibilty.
The idea I have come up with, and considered deeply and at great length, is as follows...
Give my landlord my months notice, then settle and cancel all standing orders/bills etc. In the month that follows before i am due to vacate the flat I will sell absolutley everything i own: my car, DvD's, computer, furniture - all the unnecessary trappings of modern life that i have accumulated and pointlessly collected over the years.
The money i make from this shall go into my pocket and shall fund a walking/camping trip around the UK - a 'walkabout' so to speak, that will take me around the countryside of Great Britain for however long it takes until i decide to return - 4 months, 6 months, 2 years... who knows?
My rather good redundancy package will go into the bank alongside my savings which will stay there earning interest until i return. This will give me enough money to set myself back up into the modern world should i decide that is the best thing for me.
This opportunity will probably never arise again in my life and I wish to seize it while I can. I don't want to reach old age, look back at my life and think ''If only I had taken the chance when I had it...''
I am not taking this idea lightly, and there is a hell of a lot more to it than i have shared with you here, which I shall expand on if people wish to know.
What I am asking of you is perhaps some thoughts on this idea. Am I stupid? Is this a great chance to sieze an opportunity? Have you any similar experiances you can share with me? What advice can you offer? Etc etc..
Many thanks if you read this far, and your replies will be greatfully recieved
Right, where do i start?
A few weeks ago i came back from a relaxing weeks holiday from work only to be summoned into the board room for a meeting. To cut a long story short, my company is falling apart and redundancies are being made in my department, and it would appear that I am to be one of the first to lose his job.
At first, as you can imagine, I started to panic.
''What on earth will I do?'' I thought, and sleepless nights followed as i my mind raced thinking of companies i would go crawling to in search of work, and how long i could last out of work until i lost my flat.
I have been thinking however, and this unfortunate situation may have presented an opportunity for me to do something that I otherwise may never have done.
You see, aside from my flat I have no real commitments - no wife or girlfriend, no children, no mortgage (I rent), no strong family ties etc etc. So I have been given the blessing, if you will, of freedom from responsibilty.
The idea I have come up with, and considered deeply and at great length, is as follows...
Give my landlord my months notice, then settle and cancel all standing orders/bills etc. In the month that follows before i am due to vacate the flat I will sell absolutley everything i own: my car, DvD's, computer, furniture - all the unnecessary trappings of modern life that i have accumulated and pointlessly collected over the years.
The money i make from this shall go into my pocket and shall fund a walking/camping trip around the UK - a 'walkabout' so to speak, that will take me around the countryside of Great Britain for however long it takes until i decide to return - 4 months, 6 months, 2 years... who knows?
My rather good redundancy package will go into the bank alongside my savings which will stay there earning interest until i return. This will give me enough money to set myself back up into the modern world should i decide that is the best thing for me.
This opportunity will probably never arise again in my life and I wish to seize it while I can. I don't want to reach old age, look back at my life and think ''If only I had taken the chance when I had it...''
I am not taking this idea lightly, and there is a hell of a lot more to it than i have shared with you here, which I shall expand on if people wish to know.
What I am asking of you is perhaps some thoughts on this idea. Am I stupid? Is this a great chance to sieze an opportunity? Have you any similar experiances you can share with me? What advice can you offer? Etc etc..
Many thanks if you read this far, and your replies will be greatfully recieved