Bad, good and better!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
yes Sal' Mrs Black has my details should she need further help, there is more to this story but its probably too late to add it now i will pm. no date yet

Aaaaaaand peace......... ;)

Have you a date for the CT scan? And have they pumped you up with Warfarin/ similar? no topping up the tan in this glorious weather if they have, better to stick in the shade as its solar reactive :)

Did you get Jims wifes contact details? !t would be so interesting to follow him up when they got him medically stabilised and I'm sure she'll be a complete advocate of how effacious the helping hand of reiki proved for her beloved :) A retirement full of helping folk like that would really suit you!

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
i think boatman that is the point, in isolation my 'claims' would seem a little bizzare, but as part of a much wider worldwide belief it should be protected by the forum rules. funny how billions raise not an eyebrow at a certain person parting the red sea?

"Spiritualism" is a "religion" recognised as such by law - along with Christianity, Judaism etc etc.
I am an Independent Spiritualist and I too would like to see a wider "protection" for my understanding of how things work :)


The fellow does seem to have a bit of an attitude problem...


Looks like Taz is dancing to the same rhythm.

It's a shame, the guy does seem to have some useful knowledge but his attitude is so confrontational, most of the people I talk to say they've got him on their ignore lists.

He's getting very close to being the first one on mine.

Let's hope he learns how to chill out...


Jun 26, 2008
I don't get on with boatman pretty much all of the time, but I completely disagree with banning or ignoring somebody because their thoughts differ. I find that very narrow minded. I quite enjoy seeing what others have to say ONLINE whether I like it or not. Interacting with people in real life is a totally different kettle of fish.


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
I don't get on with boatman pretty much all of the time, but I completely disagree with banning or ignoring somebody because their thoughts differ. I find that very narrow minded. I quite enjoy seeing what others have to say ONLINE whether I like it or not. Interacting with people in real life is a totally different kettle of fish.
I don't ignore-list folk because I want to know what kinda vitriol they're coming out with. We heard what he had to say and acknowledged its validity, his right to think it and were a damn sight more pleasant to him than he was to us. Have you read the originating post? How he's spent the whole thread ridiculing our points of veiw? No-ones asked for him to be banned, no matter how much of a confrontational takeover bid he's insulted the OP with and I wouldn't dream of stalking a thread of his- particularly in these circumstances- in this way. Theres only so many times you can hear the same arguement of 'you're wrong because I'm right' without your eyes glazing over, no matter how many sources they quote from.

Narrow minded? I think thats exactly what he's proven to be on this thread.


May 3, 2010
The shire
Truly proud of you Steve! Iv always seen that your heart is in the right place but what you did was a very noble act! Regardless if people believe it it or not!.. At the end of the day you could put to side your own problems/pain and still find time to help another! Thes not many people who would do that, so be proud my friend! I actually shed a tear when i read your post, so thank you for sharing such a personal experience!

Our Kate was in hospital a few months back for a week and she met a lot of people that influenced her. One of them being a lady in her 80s who had severe cancer and had both breast removed! Kate became very close to her and she actually passed away from the surgery. Only last week she visited kate and held her hand with a big smile :) I won't go anymore into it as ill most likely get judged but i know you will understand!

Keep safe mate, hospital straight away next time please! ;)


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
Truly proud of you Steve! Iv always seen that your heart is in the right place but what you did was a very noble act! Regardless if people believe it it or not!.. At the end of the day you could put to side your own problems/pain and still find time to help another! Thes not many people who would do that, so be proud my friend! I actually shed a tear when i read your post, so thank you for sharing such a personal experience!

Our Kate was in hospital a few months back for a week and she met a lot of people that influenced her. One of them being a lady in her 80s who had severe cancer and had both breast removed! Kate became very close to her and she actually passed away from the surgery. Only last week she visited kate and held her hand with a big smile :) I won't go anymore into it as ill most likely get judged but i know you will understand!

Keep safe mate, hospital straight away next time please! ;)

thanks Matt really appreciate your comments, and i know exactly where your Kate is, will have to meet your good lady at a meet and have a chat soon. i hope shes feeling ok now and is on the mend. :)

Andy BB

Full Member
Apr 19, 2010
I dunno! I have a go at Boatman for "wrong time, wrong place", then you lot keep going on about fairies:)

Personally, I believe it is my religious right to sacrifice virgins and eat their still-beating hearts at the Solstice and the MODS must support my right to say so and deny anyone naysaying it. After all, human sacrifice has a long-standing place in many religions, and even Christianity practices cannibalism (transubstantiation, anyone?) every Sunday!

Anyway, good to hear you're getting checked out by modern medicine Steve, and look forward to seeing you hale and hearty again in the woods soon!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Sep 8, 2011
.... Personally, I believe it is my religious right to sacrifice virgins and eat their still-beating hearts at the Solstice ....
I'm safe then ;) Now who are these fairys we're hiding then?! Care to name names?! I could use some meet gossip and the only pink tutu'd up bloke I've seen in the woods was the Fair Fenna Fairy, a picture of delicate and ephemeral beauty....

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
I'm safe then ;) Now who are these fairys we're hiding then?! Care to name names?! I could use some meet gossip and the only pink tutu'd up bloke I've seen in the woods was the Fair Fenna Fairy, a picture of delicate and ephemeral beauty....

Aw - shucks... you are making me blush!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Jul 24, 2009
West Midlands UK
don't know how i missed this?!

glad it worked out well for you Steve and your health is OK, Northwood and the forum itself would be a different place without you and your healing aura ;)

well not quite out of the woods yet, (ha!) but all good Hamish thanks mate. :D we just have to be carefull what we say now we have the same protection as 'mainstream' callings! we dont want to be shut down. :)


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