Are you a Swiss Army Knife owner?

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Do you own (or have you owned) a SAK?

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when I need a good multi tool then I take my wave with me, my sak is always in my pocket so that comes along too. It all depends on what I'm doing and where
Gailainne said:
I had both my SAK and a leatherman with me on our Loch Lomond trip wOOdsmoke, the leatherman never came out the bag, and you know the SAK was in use the whole weekend. Agreed the SAK has its limitations, but it can handle a multitude of camp tasks with no worries.


All I'm saying bud is that a leatherman is more useful because of it's strength and functionality compared to a SAK in my experience. And when I'm out and about I want that strength and functionality that a SAK cannot provide for certain tasks. I think depending on what folk want them for, experience usually will advise on this!

I personally think it's a bit like the debate on the canoeing forums on the virtues of canvas bags for gear storage . Everyone knows they are crap for keeping your gear dry but still use them, but they have a certain appeal to them that some say gives them an authenticity about their hobby that say a dry bag won't!
I did own a SAK for a while... I took it out and about and found that the only part of it I had a use for was the knife. I never used the corkscrew or scissors etc.

Maybe in boating or gamekeeping or even golf you come across situations where these other things are needed but I just never came across it when I was in the woods.

Based on that, I went back to carrying a regular folding knife as there's less mechanically to go wrong.

As woodsmoke says though, it's horses for courses, people swear by them and leatherman and gerber and all sorts.
You could both be right, I think at the end of the day, its what feels comfortable, I've had my Champ for well over 20 years, the Leatherman shrug I got it when they came out, however long that was, the only thing I have'nt used on the SAK is the little hook thing, I found out its good for pulling out pegs at Delamere :D (Nice one Wayland).
I certainly would'nt want to saw thru any decent sized branches with my SAK :rolleyes:, but it would do it.
One other point, its legal, I don't have to justify why I'm carrying it, argue as you may its easy to justify carrying a multitool like the wave, I dont have to argue at all about my SAK.

I've never owned a Victorinox but I do own a Mauser and have done since I was 10 years old.

The handle has been changed since new but otherwise it just gets sharpened every now and again. And yes the saw really is that sharp that it needs a protective shield, I have a scar to prove it :o
I havent really used the hook on my SAK much either but one thing it is good at doing is putting the chain back on a bike if you dont want to get your hands covered in oil
Using it pretty much every day. Next to the trowel, a note book and penn a SAK is the Field Archaeologists best friend! Everything from sharpening your penncill to change batteries in our toughnote field computors! :D
Bootstrap Bob said:
I've never owned a Victorinox but I do own a Mauser and have done since I was 10 years old.

The handle has been changed since new but otherwise it just gets sharpened every now and again. And yes the saw really is that sharp that it needs a protective shield, I have a scar to prove it :o

I have a Mauser and I have to say that I think the saw on a normal SAK is better. The Mauser one is pull only, the SAK cuts both ways.

Additionally, the Mauser you have is the proper Mauser and is therefore made by Victorinox. They're worth quite a bit these days - proper collectors items
Well I never knew that :) I thought it was just an alternative make.

You're right the saw is just a pull type but I like it that way for safety, I have tried other saw blades which cut in both directions but if they are non locking and the teeth get caught on the forward stroke there's the potential for folding the thing around your fingers :aargh4:

Collectors item you say? Well there's no way I'm getting rid of it, probably have it until the day I die! An original Mauser I can believe, I saw one for sale in Anchor supplies at a show last year and was very tempted to buy it as a spare but when I inspected it it was no where near as good quality.
Bootstrap Bob said:
Well I never knew that :) I thought it was just an alternative make.

You're right the saw is just a pull type but I like it that way for safety, I have tried other saw blades which cut in both directions but if they are non locking and the teeth get caught on the forward stroke there's the potential for folding the thing around your fingers :aargh4:

Collectors item you say? Well there's no way I'm getting rid of it, probably have it until the day I die! An original Mauser I can believe, I saw one for sale in Anchor supplies at a show last year and was very tempted to buy it as a spare but when I inspected it it was no where near as good quality.

That clip point blade with the writing on? That's what makes it special and why its made by Victorinox. If i'm brutally honest I don't think you'd get full collector value for it cos you don't have the original scales but if you're not going to get rid of it then its all good. Its a really good knife - big, solid and trusty. The quality on them is amazing
well im sorry i dont agree. i think that any sort of lock gives a false sense of security. ive never had a folding knife close on me but im carefull how i use it!! had a mauser in the past and i loved it. am thinking of buying a simple solo to replace it....cant afford the prices they seem to fetch know. anyone any experience of the solo ?
Have had several of those. Can't remember the last time i needed a corkscrew though.
There was an old wenger.. and... damn! Going to rummage for that thing... right now!
I have two. An Outrider that I carry all the time when camping and outdoors and a smaller one that I carry all the rest of the time, When I'm not likely to get arrested anyway.

I have a Solo. Good knife with a very positive snap as th blead opens and closes.
The blade can look surprisingly large, even though it is sub - 3 inches.
The handle is quite thin, but pretty comfortable to use. The blade will take a great edge, as with any Victorinox I've tried.

Have had a Masuer for around 25 it dearly & used it the other day to punch an extra hole in our pups new collar.

Recieved an All Black Climber [my first SAK] recently...v nice also and a cherished addition to my list of precious things ;)

That said...*whisper on* I do sometimes wonder how on earth I ever got by without tweezers and wire strippers *whisper off* :o
Now then fellas,
I have 2 SAK's.
A waiter and a Climber.

The waiter goes everywhere with me.
The Climber because of the locking blade, is a special purpose activity tool for me.
I don't think Japanese law would have a problem with it though, unlike the UK.

The Climber has a long blade, good for slicing a big block of cheese. :)
The corkscrew is much easier to use compared to the Waiter because of the longer, bigger handle. Much more force can be applied. :)
I find the saw to be pretty good as well.

All the best, Yorkshire Boy.
I carried a Victorinox Champion for a long time (the predecessor to the Swiss Champ), and a Swiss Champ for years after that.

Nowadays I carry a Leatherman Charge Ti and the Swiss Champ is kept as a spare tool, but I'll often have a small Victorinox Classic with me in a pocket, and when I'm out in the bush I always have the Classic.
I have several SAKs, I even got my daughter a Hunter for her 8th Birthday. I usually have a couple on me as well as a Leatherman Wave and Browning or Buck lock blade. I find them at yard sales for 2-3 dollars each and put them in kits for a cheap backup blade or to give away when someone asks to borrow my knife which I never loan.


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