Since the moot, I've been using the sandbox ( the boy often leaves a track for me in the morning and I have to provide an explanation later in the day) most days, although we have been tracking in the Goyt valley - lots of Red Deer. We recently got hold of Mr. Brown's 'Nature awraeness and observation', and are trying to apply aging techniques as well as pressure releases. I'm quite happy about speed, direction and the direction of attention - I recently had a 'Eureka' moment - tracked a dog, saw where it had stopped and looked down a badger run, then moved on and looked up at a tree - found scratches on the tree branch and a single muddy squirrel print, then found where a man in walking boots had walked past the dog, and the dog had followed - had to go back to the sandpit to try to re-create the turning prints to better understand the prints. I now find it extremely useful to feel the prints (my fingers are much more perceptive than my eyes) while trying to read the landscape with my eyes and ears. I'm currently holidaying in Norfolk with my in-laws and tracking relaxed Muntjac and nervous bunnies in Thetford Forest. I'm looking forward to going after Arctic Hare on Kinder this winter...