Anyone going to the World Of Bushcraft opening?


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~
the only question i have is it just the 7th its running? as i have commitments and thats just typical that something bushcrafty is happening in Bedford when i am busy

Well the grand opening of a shop usually happens but once... :rolleyes:

Look on it this way Sam... you may miss the celebrations on the day but you will now have a Bushcraft shop on your doorstep :rofl:


It is what it is.
Mar 5, 2008
~Hemel Hempstead~

Entrance to the Grand Opening of The World of Bushcraft is by ticket only between the hours of 11am and 1pm. After the Grand Opening Event the shop will open to the general public from 1pm onwards


A chilly but dry day. Here’s a public gallery I did on Facebook of the grand opening!/profile.php?id=608177115&sk=photos The day went really well and just flew by. Lots of kit to fondle, demos all day and all ably supported by The Foragers (see this thread )and The Jerky Shack!/pages/The-Jerky-Shack-UK/117466245000579 . If you decide to go I’d do a route planner based on the Premier inn which is close by. The W.O.B. is also near the Marina and Park but neither are particularly well signposted from the road and talking to several visitors, all web planned routes fell short at the end. Oh, and there’s loads of parking.
Oct 3, 2006
£24 for a bow drill set:confused:

Yes Southey... unfortunatly some people dont have access to the right materials.
It takes more than a full year before a complete setis available to be sold.

Drills aremade from hazel and is cut when green (living) and it will require a year tocompletely dry out (season). They are cut and stored carefully and only thestraightest will be used.
The bows arecut usually in the winter and are then shaped and strung up for about 6-8 weeksuntil the new shape has partly set in. This is to ensure the right tension anda convenient curve for gripping whilst tensioning the string.
The bearings are made out of Hornbeam, the hardestwood we have typically growing in this country. Again this is cut in the Winterbut although it can crack at the ends it can be made and used straight away.
The baseboards are mostly Lime and again cut in theWinter. The logs are quartered and then left to be weathered for a couple ofmonths. After that they are stored under cover for at least a year before theycan be cut/split again. After that they are checked to ensure that they arecompletely dry.
The String is 4mmand is a solid weaveto cope with the wear and tear around the drill.

The Finished product is then put together and Itested to ensure set works smoothly creating a polish at the top of the drill/bearingand smoke/chardust at the bottom. Only then is the set approved for sale.

Its then accompanied by a full book on friction fire lighting

I think thats about £24 pounds worth of value...


Oct 3, 2006
Thanks for posting the pics Mang, it was a great day with 100's of people coming to learn... thank you to all who supported the day, if people get behind this completely unique centre it stays open... simple... Thanks once again for your support everyone and please do come down and see us if you couldn't make it for the opening...

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Yes Southey... unfortunatly some people dont have access to the right materials.
It takes more than a full year before a complete setis available to be sold.

Drills aremade from hazel and is cut when green (living) and it will require a year tocompletely dry out (season). They are cut and stored carefully and only thestraightest will be used.
The bows arecut usually in the winter and are then shaped and strung up for about 6-8 weeksuntil the new shape has partly set in. This is to ensure the right tension anda convenient curve for gripping whilst tensioning the string.
The bearings are made out of Hornbeam, the hardestwood we have typically growing in this country. Again this is cut in the Winterbut although it can crack at the ends it can be made and used straight away.
The baseboards are mostly Lime and again cut in theWinter. The logs are quartered and then left to be weathered for a couple ofmonths. After that they are stored under cover for at least a year before theycan be cut/split again. After that they are checked to ensure that they arecompletely dry.
The String is 4mmand is a solid weaveto cope with the wear and tear around the drill.

The Finished product is then put together and Itested to ensure set works smoothly creating a polish at the top of the drill/bearingand smoke/chardust at the bottom. Only then is the set approved for sale.

Its then accompanied by a full book on friction fire lighting

I think thats about £24 pounds worth of value...


Ha! No worries chap, its only my view, I like the look of the shop, like an environment room I've seen, I wish you the Best of luck with it:)


May 22, 2011
march, cambs
Hi Jason, this may seem like a really stupid question, but is this actually a shop? Or was it just a one off in the Bedfore area?
Also if it is a shop can you give me an address please pal?
Best of luck


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.