Any old iron?

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I’d definitely have a go with any old materials you can find, just to familiarise yourself with the process before going in with decent steel and handle materials.
What knife did I make you buddy? That was a folder I believe? Post a picture of that?
While agreeing with you - it’s a bit late for the handle! (I have made them before.)

Some time ago one of my daughters bought me a lump of Kingwood. I had no idea what it was but just knew it was very dense and beautifully if subtly grained. I’d already started to shape a handle before I read anything about it.
I’d have laid up my pattern for the handle a bit more carefully to get a better off cut if I’d googled before.

“……the most expensive wood used in furniture making…..”

So I’ll work the handle to the best of my ability and should I need/want to, I’ll fit a better blade later. The very first one shall be made of cardboard because all of the components are non standard.

With that in mind I shall make the first blade from the thinnest practical material that I have, certainly less than 2mm. This will give me the option to fit a thicker blade later. If I fitted a thick blade first I’d find myself shimming a thinner one.

Edited to add:
This last thought has arisen from this thread. Thanks people, the hive mind is working!
There are a number of articles on the BCUK website detailing making tools from old saws

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More novice questions:

1. I’ve thought about rotating the blade in a mapp gas flame to get even heating. Might this also help the material to become paramagnetic?

2. Is bluebacking / colour running a partial anealing process?

The blade blank is likely to be only:

90 x 25 x 2mm
1. I’ve thought about rotating the blade in a mapp gas flame to get even heating. Might this also help the material to become paramagnetic?
It helps to even the heating. Mag Curie temp does not care about anything else than temp. It is used as indication to ferritic-austenitic change because In practical carbon contents It happens to work.
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Thanks @Kepis
This is exactly the kind of knife making that I need for the first attempt.
Also, it will make a thin enough blade that it won’t affect future choices of blade material.

I was wrong. I had no idea that the whole blade of a panel saw might be hardened!
It helps to even the heating. Mag Curie temp does not care about anything else than temp. It is used as indication to ferritic-austenitic change because In practical carbon contents It happens to work.
OK. I thought, since the crystal structure is changing in Earth’s magnetic field it might augment demagnetisation.
This clearly demonstrates the difference between information and knowledge :)
Old powered hacksaw blades make decent blade stock.
What knife did I make you buddy? That was a folder I believe? Post a picture of that?

Found it. And a Brusletto Balder, orange Delica and a Boker slack (quite rusty from storage compared to the others).

It’s a good chunk, long tang and wide handle makes for a pretty secure non locking system.

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……. And you’ve still got a file!
The file was quite smooth, worked this one slowly to keep the temper/hardness of the steel. It was and has been the second of two folders I made.... perfect for Rich, as it has a bottle opener in the tang :-)

It took and holds a razor sharp edge... cannot beat an old file for making a knife
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Old powered hacksaw blades make decent blade stock.

Found it. And a Brusletto Balder, orange Delica and a Boker slack (quite rusty from storage compared to the others).

It’s a good chunk, long tang and wide handle makes for a pretty secure non locking system.

View attachment 94261View attachment 94262View attachment 94263
Glad you found it, was always proud at how well that one turned out....

@Pattree I don't or ever will claim to be a knife maker, but I have had fun trying. I would go stock removal on any knife projects...I have beaten steel into shape before, but it's hard work with limited tools and still have to grind loads of metal off to make it look okay'ish
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I don't or ever will claim to be a knife maker, but I have had fun trying.
…….. and that is the whole point for me too. To turn an unconventional idea into something tangible that works.

That is not to say that I don’t recognise the work of those artists and crafts people who make something conventional and beautiful. I’m simply not one of them.

This thread and those who have contributed to it have helped me to focus this project.
The blade can wait just a little while as I make the handle. Then I might make more than one blade to fit into it.

pee ess, I’ve found a brushwood cutter blade that I rarely use and for which I have a couple of unused replacements. I can get a couple of little blades out of that.
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pee ess, I’ve found a brushwood cutter blade that I rarely use and for which I have a couple of unused replacements. I can get a couple of little blades out of that.

The steel on things like brush cutters are not (typically) hard; the steel is chosen to dent rather than chip (and have bits flying off) when the blade hits stones etc.
The steel on things like brush cutters are not (typically) hard; the steel is chosen to dent rather than chip (and have bits flying off) when the blade hits stones etc.
True, though one should remember that the "toughness" is dependent on both the steel and it's heat treatment. Also at the extreme both can be used to achieve the desired properties.

(Just a side note: in most tech usage "iron" is reserved for pure - or almost - element and "steel" is an alloy where carbon is the main property affecting alloying element, it is also used where the alloying is more complicated.)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.