Some thoughts – emergency ‘jewellery’

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Ok thanks - I can see your reasonings, but the following HMG advice


Not allowed in hand baggage:

Knife (with a sharp or pointed blade and/or a blade longer than 6cm) (NB Dog tag 'blade' would be LESS than 6cm)

Cigarette lighter (but you may carry a single lighter on your person - defined as a liquid so has to be in a clear plastic bag)

Allowed in hand baggage:

Safety matches

So ...... based on that I don't see that the dog tags and ferrocium rod should be a problem.

NB - rather bizarrely it is ok to have knitting needles in hand baggage (presumably just so long as you don't sharpen them along their length!!)

if you have sharpened the dog tags you will fall foul of at least S139 criminal justice act its a fixed blade ( or its NOT a non locking folding pen knife cutting edge under 3" ) and so needs a specific reason to carry ( just in case....................... isnt a specific reason)

you may fall foul of carrying an offensive weapon ie something adapted to cause injury

or just plump for an offensive weapon period ;)

“a disguised knife, that is any knife which has a concealed blade or concealed sharp point and is designed to appear to be an everyday object of a kind commonly carried on the person or in a handbag, briefcase, or other hand luggage (such as a comb, brush, writing instrument, cigarette lighter, key, lipstick or telephone)”
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OK thanks for clarifying the legal position - I thought any blade under 3" was legal and did not need any specific justification

So I agree - don't sharpen it.
The idea of flying for me is a nice relaxing time somewhere different so why on earth wear or carry in your hand luggage anything that will get you pinged going through security. Your plane goes down and your dead so your emergency kit will be as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Pack your bits and pieces in your hold luggage and have a nice time.
The idea of flying for me is a nice relaxing time somewhere different so why on earth wear or carry in your hand luggage anything that will get you pinged going through security. Your plane goes down and your dead so your emergency kit will be as much use as a chocolate tea pot. Pack your bits and pieces in your hold luggage and have a nice time.

This would be so much easier to discuss rather than by exchange of written notes.

But in summary:
  • You would have the necklace/bracelet for use when you arrive, not for during the flight or for use if you miraculously survived a crash landing
  • As I said, I spend even less time flying than I do alone in the woods so it wasn't a factor I took into account when thinking what I needed for an emergency.
  • My suggestion on having a sharp edge to cut the paracord was based on my misunderstanding of the law and it only arises from the 'survival' aspect, which is not a key element for me, and in any event would be useful but not essential (as I am not talking about surviving in the wilds, but dealing with some form of emergency in an urban area or elsewhere where other people are not miles away.)
So, you arrive and take the kit out of your hold luggage, not a problem then unless you feel the need to have a bit of paracord et al the minute you leave the plane? Plus you don't need a sharp edge or lighter on a flight full stop. Just go with the rules and enjoy your break.
I have a survival necklace, but I do find it a bit lumpy. I like the idea of a neck wallet, so I may try and adapt my setup and see how it goes.
Thanks for that suggestion.

I noticed that the TOPS wallet incorporated a reflective patch on the back - good idea IMO.

The lanyard, which I currently use for the necklace, is made from a reflective material so at night it lights up if a light is shon on it, and being a ribbon type material it is not uncomfortable like a thinner material (paracord or chain etc) would be, at least for me.
Oh ! Just noticed that the TOPS wallet does not have a knife ! They have a dog tag, a P38 (which they say doubles as a flint striker), and a saw
AND a "Lansky Quick Fix Sharpener"

You do the maths ? Is that just a sneaky way of saing you can sharpen up the dog tag, or the saw, if you need it, and still be flight safe ?
just snipped this from the OP;

.....It should be relevant to the vast majority of time I don’t spend alone in woods or the countryside generally eg when I am in town and out and about, both during the day and at night

‘Emergency’ was the key word, not "survival".....

which made me wonder why it is that everyone's got so hung up on "in flight survival kit", i'm sure we all agree that elines' kit isn't suitable for taking on a plane, or for surviving a plane crash, but it's not supposed to be. i've met chris (elines) on a few occasions and i'm sure that he's a reasonably intelligent bloke, i reckon that if he wanted to survive a plane crash he'd go for something more along the lines of a parachute than a necklace. if, however, he wanted something to deal with those everyday emergencies (dropped keys in the multi story at midnight, accosted by some yobs in that secluded bit of town where no-one ever goes, passed out due to a combination of advanced years and sensory overload from the anne summers window display) then some form of illumination, a means to attract attention, and easily accesible pertinant medical information could well come in handy.


Oh ! Just noticed that the TOPS wallet does not have a knife ! They have a dog tag, a P38 (which they say doubles as a flint striker), and a saw
AND a "Lansky Quick Fix Sharpener"

You do the maths ? Is that just a sneaky way of saing you can sharpen up the dog tag, or the saw, if you need it, and still be flight safe ?

did it

its chrome plated i doubt its hardened so you wont get a spark

and it will take a long time to get an edge on with the sharpener if you ever do

Just carry a bushkey on your key chain ;)


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Thanks for that Stu - I agree with everything you have said but didn't want to say it myself

Mind you this bit:

" ....passed out due to a combination of advanced years and sensory overload from the anne summers window display."

is really scary - I didn't think you knew me that well
Thanks for that Stu - I agree with everything you have said but didn't want to say it myself

Mind you this bit:

" ....passed out due to a combination of advanced years and sensory overload from the anne summers window display."

is really scary - I didn't think you knew me that well



Are you bringing them this weekend? I would love to have a look please.
Thanks for that Stu - I agree with everything you have said but didn't want to say it myself

Mind you this bit:

" ....passed out due to a combination of advanced years and sensory overload from the anne summers window display."

is really scary - I didn't think you knew me that well

no problem mate

just snipped this from the OP;

passed out due to a combination of advanced years and sensory overload from the anne summers window display) then some form of illumination, a means to attract attention, and easily accesible pertinant medical information could well come in handy.



The notion of passing out in front of an Ann Summers display has got me into fits of laughter so much that I might need medical attention for it soon.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.