Svord Peasant Orange Only

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Thanks for sorting this out.

Payment sent for x 2 for w00dsmoke and OleSmokey.

Thanks again w00dsmoke

You have an e-mail.

Ol Smokey paid for his last night at 21.15, or so...I'll send you a PP refund for the difference between 2 knives & 1 knife - if that's ok?
Unless a Xmas tip is on the cards ;)

is anyone else having problems accessing paypal? My comp will load up the main page but once i click on log in it attempts to load a page but goes nowhere....really annoying as i want to get the knifes paid for so i get them in my hand asap.......
okay all sorted now. paypal sent to you Jon. Included are all my details as requested.
so the PM sent to you yesterday about my paypal issues and looking for other payment methods can be ignored...

Once again thanks for doing this Jon and i hope you issues are all past now
kind regards
Cheers Iain

Update for everyone:
39 knives on the GB on BCUK - 19 now paid for...
85 knives on the GB on BB - 37 paid for on looking good so far, with BCUK in the lead

I put this post on the BB site earlier - so cutting & pasting it here for info.

"Quite a few folk have paid up so far - many thanks to those that have kept the faith in this & no hard feelings against any that chose to pull out...

Also, anyone that has been in touch about multiple buys (3 or more), or non-UK buyers, I will as promised provide correct shipping details once I can find this out at the post office

As of NOW - I am still out almost £1000 on the GB - so IF you are down for a single knife or a pair, please pay as soon as you can

There has been quite a bit of interest expressed for people wanting additions to what they asked for - or late-comers after spare knives

I'll put a provisional cut-off of Friday 11th Dec for anyone still on the list & wanting what they signed up for to pay - after that - due to financial outlay, I will open the unpaid slots to 1st come 1st I'd like to make sure that everyone is happy with their allocation, yet I cannot go on indefinately having knives unclaimed when others wish to buy them (hope that sounds fair - if it's seen as harsh, please let me know)

The Dec 11th cut off also allows a margin of delay for Xmas delivery etc."


Another hour's round trip = but look wot I got...:D :D :D

Though, look MUCH nicer in little rows....:P

They'll be bagged up as soon as I have had breakfast.

Those paid for as of midnight last night I'll try to send out "day-paid-on" order
Will also get weights for multiples of 3, 5, 7 etc. & any foreign costs too - as per PM's


Hi Jon.

paypal payment sent today 1500 hrs.

Thank you for ALL your hard work in this complicated group buy!

Cheers from Swyn.
Made A Nice £30 Postal Charges Loss On Todays 42 Packets = 30 Single Knives & 12 Doubles

Counter Staff On Friday Quoted Price As "large Letter"

Dozy Sod Today Took The Packages & Then Said They're A "Packet"

= Over 60p/75p More Each!!

I'll Have To Update The Cost Prices For Any New Buyers Accordingly - MY APOLOGIES FOR LACK OF GREY MATTER AT POST OFFICE COUNTERS - I know it's the silly season in there at present but I'd expected more knowledge from them. I was trying to keep the unit costs down, if I'd not bothered I could have had the PACKET rates on Friday!!!
The following has taken over an hour to work out - now off for a cuppa & some headache pills!!

Unit cost for ONE knife is NOW £13.81 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee - 61p more than quoted
Unit cost for TWO knives is NOW £26.65 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee - 75p more than quoted
Unit cost for THREE knives is £37.70 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £39.21
Unit cost for FOUR knives is £49.40 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £51.38
Unit cost for FIVE knives is £61.10 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £63.55
Unit cost for SIX knives is £73.50 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £76.45
Unit cost for SEVEN knives is £85.20 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £88.61

Any orders UNDER £39 will be covered by standard Royal Snail insurance & everything WILL have proof of posting...
Any order for over £39 will possibly have to go by SPECIAL DELIVERY- or by more than one package, whichever the buyer prefers

E.C. ORDERS (inclusive of P&P & PP 4% fee):
ONE knife = £14.56
TWO knives = £27.25
THREE knives = £39.94

PayPal will be the easiest payment method - make sure to include FULL address details & your list position number/forum name!!

PayPal address: mooreleather at yahoo dot co dot uk

(change the "at" to an @, and the "dot"'s to a "." - no spaces)


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.