Svord Peasant Orange Only

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Ok, after much deliberation I'll put my name down for two if they're still available. Are postage rates to Ireland the same as EEC rates you have on an earlier post?

I'll paypal once I know the costs.

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Arrived home late last night and opened my package, a pair of V V good lookin' knives fell out. One is now in its 'rapidboy' sheath which suits it perfectly. Love the handle colour, I certainly will not loose this in a hurry. Thank you saddler!


Not seen the "rapidboy" sheath - what are they like?

Not had time this week to get around to making up any carriers of any sort - WILL do some in 2010 - more than likely they'll be matching orange kydex
Ok, after much deliberation I'll put my name down for two if they're still available. Are postage rates to Ireland the same as EEC rates you have on an earlier post?

I'll paypal once I know the costs.



Yes - Ireland is EC, the northern part is UK

PP rates for EC/UK are as you say, posted elsewhere, with full PP instructions

Cheers for the interest

Just a quick note:

First impressions are of a robust little folder which will take a place in my emergency gear kit and I expect will see frequent use in the garden too. I'm considering adding it to my climbing kit (hang from loop on the harness) but I need to be confident that it's not going to open by itself, which could be quite dangerous!

It's pretty sharp out of the packet but I might do some stropping with compound just to tidy it up a bit. Not sure I'm going to spend the time doing what he does in the sharpening videos! (see Svord website)

Orange handle should mean it won't get lost in a hurry. The fact you can take it apart yourself means it should be easy to clean. I've already put a cord lanyard on it through the handy hole on the lever.

All in all, looks like a practical tool. Just what I wanted.
Took the Svord to work today, talk about coordinated cutters :cool:.


Not sure I want to pimp it too much. Like Mike I've added a short lanyard, orange para cord with a glow in the dark end.

Definitely going to have ago at making a pouch though.
Thinking something along the lines of a necker pouch maybe with a firesteel loop :bluThinki .

Took the Svord to work today, talk about coordinated cutters :cool:.

Not sure I want to pimp it too much. Like Mike I've added a short lanyard, orange para cord with a glow in the dark end.

Definitely going to have ago at making a pouch though.
Thinking something along the lines of a necker pouch maybe with a firesteel loop :bluThinki .


Ha! I'd never thought of that! It'll match my Husqvarna saw and orange Petzl helmet! Truly colour coordinated...
I want the one I ordered, sorry I thought this GB was dead with all the waiting. Personally I think it's only reasonable to give people who ordered a bit more time to get to this and not be disappointed, but your call.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.