Svord Peasant Orange Only

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Another batch winging their way today...only one carrier bag full :D - Monday I had four bags full (a large IKEA blue bag)

About 12 to still be claimed/paid for on here - but not too bad for the day after delivery !! A good number of those still to pay have been in contact - though others seem to be weekend guests of Lord Lucan.

ALSO: My initial quote for postage WAS correct :rolleyes: (if you're ever in Haddington Post Office - make sure you get served by Diane)

The rest will go at the correct rate too...I'll update the price list & repost accordingly (this only applies to 1 or 2 knives in a pack, as this size DOES qualify as Large Letter)

I'll sort out refunds of the difference for todays batch.
Quite a few have paid up the difference due to the incorrect postal rate yesterday - many thanks to those that did so.

WHO said Group Buys were a lot of work?? :P
Bagging & tagging is easy - it's the Royal Snail & Parcel Farce that have been the biggest headache!!:censored:

Keep posting to confirm safe arrival & thoughts on the colour (as that was the point pf the exercise in the 1st place - point...knife; get it?? - I'll get my coat...)
Unit cost for ONE knife is £13.21 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee
Unit cost for TWO knives is £25.90 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee
Unit cost for THREE knives is £37.70 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £39.21
Unit cost for FOUR knives is £49.40 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £51.38
Unit cost for FIVE knives is £61.10 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £63.55
Unit cost for SIX knives is £73.50 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £76.45
Unit cost for SEVEN knives is £85.20 delivered by RM First Class: AFTER adding the 4% PayPal fee £88.61

Any orders UNDER £39 will be covered by standard Royal Snail insurance & everything WILL have proof of posting...
Any order for over £39 will possibly have to go by SPECIAL DELIVERY- or by more than one package, whichever the buyer prefers

E.C. ORDERS (inclusive of P&P & PP 4% fee):
ONE knife = £14.56
TWO knives = £27.25
THREE knives = £39.94

PayPal will be the easiest payment method - make sure to include FULL address details & your list position number/forum name!!

PayPal address: mooreleather at yahoo dot co dot uk

(change the "at" to an @, and the "dot"'s to a "." - no spaces)
Hi All,

My three arrived this morning in fantastic time. I love them, just the ticket and the colour is great (and DOES go with my orange laplander!)
Thanks again for organising this and making it happen :)

All the best
Knife arrived yesterday - yes they are orange arn't they.
Mine needed a bit of a sharpen and the scales needed a bit of a rub to remove the excess molding tag, all in really happy with this.

Thanks for sorting this out.


Glad to hear that most are arriving the day after posting

Also good that they're as well received

Make sure you fill in & return your warranty slips - plus add any comments on future Peasant models you'd like to see

Of the original number on BCUK - 2 have dropped out since the knives arrived - 6 are still to pay
Not bad for the 2nd day after delivery!!

Most folk are getting knives the day after mailing

All knives paid for up to today are either already delivered or on the way

Keep posting comments & thoughts on the ORANGE side of the knife - and what you think of the Peasant in general...

My two arrived today. Good simple knife that will do what it says on the packet. Feels good in the hand and if I lost it (a little difficult with the colour) for the cost I would not be too upset. Like the previous post "a folding Mora"
Many thanks for your efforts with the buy.

hi saddler
have you thought about making a case to go with?

Hi Scott (& others)

Yes - with being out of touch with things for a short time ( I lost a few bits of info I needed on the last PC) I have a cunning plan to locate some ORANGE kydex & make a kydex sheath/scabbard/pouch

Will post any results on here - just have to get the kydex in first

IF I can find orange leather I may go the more traditional route

Keep a look out for developments
The following slots may become free tomorrow

2. bushcrafty1
8. Melonfish
25. bushcrafty1
26. mayfly
37. Nickthechippy
39. lewiman201

There are also 2 spare slots from the people that pulled out this week

As this represents just under £100 on this forum alone, I'll be offering anyone that missed the GB the chance to step in
Just thought I'd post on the off-chance that recent members may want an ORANGE Xmas - could be a whole new family Turkey carving tradition waiting to be born...

PM me if you have any interest in an ORANGE Peasant


Arrived home late last night and opened my package, a pair of V V good lookin' knives fell out. One is now in its 'rapidboy' sheath which suits it perfectly. Love the handle colour, I certainly will not loose this in a hurry. Thank you saddler!



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.