Missing link


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Feb 3, 2008
Just because it's a theory that hasn't been disproved doesn't make it the truth.
It is really difficult to prove something doesn't exist ,Yeti for instance .nobody has one on display but lots have seen one.Much the same as evolutionary theory it can't be disproved or proved,and so is accepted until a more acceptable idea comes along.
Before evolutionary theory there was creationism,I wonder what will be next.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Humans already know where we came from, we just cannot prove it, well not to the satisfaction of those people who want there to be a “deeper reason”

Humans is a term that describes all of us. Yet all of us have a different "theory" So how can humans already know where we come from.

What you ARE saying is that anyone who disagrees with you or Darwin is wrong.

I say anyone who says they KNOW where we came from is basically confused and closed minded. The truth is..... WE DO NOT KNOW. Yes certain theories sound good and some evidence surports them, only problem with that is though there is more than one theory that evidence supports. All are probably wrong anyway because they consider time as linear.

EDIT.. Were you aware that linear time was a concept created with the bible? God created everything etc.
Oct 6, 2008
I'm probably going to be laughed at here but I don't see evolition and creationism as mutualy exclusive- I realise I am pretty much alone in that but hear me out.

According to the bible or my vague recollections of it God said something about switching the lights on, then made earth, put fish in the sea, put trees and stuff, animals to walk the earth and eventually put us here before heading off for a well earned rest on Sunday.

Now if you look at the "science" of the big bang and evolution those things happened in pretty much the order the bible describes only over a much longer time frame than six days.

It makes sense that if there is a creator who guided the development of the universe, the earth and the beings upon it, then the story of the creation of the earth was far easier for the populace to get to grips with back then than some long winded explanation about matter gradually forming , being puled together by gravity and the dna double helix.

I'm not a particularly religious man , but I do find it strange that two thousand years ago some bloke was going round stating how the universe began and got it pretty much in the right order, especially when it is only recently we have "discovered this" for ourselves.


Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
I had a cockatiel that would have made a velociraptor look perfectly well behaved. How many velociraptors have nipped your finger with its' beak and crapped in your hair? Not many I'd guess! Cockatiels are not to be trusted, they are the devils' side kick!


Full Member
Mar 16, 2008
Ah yes the missing link...well at least thats what I visited the thread to learn about....


Aug 14, 2006
I'm probably going to be laughed at here but I don't see evolition and creationism as mutualy exclusive- I realise I am pretty much alone in that but hear me out.

According to the bible or my vague recollections of it God said something about switching the lights on, then made earth, put fish in the sea, put trees and stuff, animals to walk the earth and eventually put us here before heading off for a well earned rest on Sunday.

Now if you look at the "science" of the big bang and evolution those things happened in pretty much the order the bible describes only over a much longer time frame than six days.

It makes sense that if there is a creator who guided the development of the universe, the earth and the beings upon it, then the story of the creation of the earth was far easier for the populace to get to grips with back then than some long winded explanation about matter gradually forming , being puled together by gravity and the dna double helix.

I'm not a particularly religious man , but I do find it strange that two thousand years ago some bloke was going round stating how the universe began and got it pretty much in the right order, especially when it is only recently we have "discovered this" for ourselves.

The only problem with creation is that i was ment to have happend 6000 years ago
and everything seems to be much older.

My interest in not necessarily were we came from but the skills we used to get where we are now.


Full Member
Nov 12, 2005
I'm probably going to be laughed at here but I don't see evolition and creationism as mutualy exclusive- I realise I am pretty much alone in that but hear me out.

According to the bible or my vague recollections of it God said something about switching the lights on, then made earth, put fish in the sea, put trees and stuff, animals to walk the earth and eventually put us here before heading off for a well earned rest on Sunday.

Now if you look at the "science" of the big bang and evolution those things happened in pretty much the order the bible describes only over a much longer time frame than six days.

It makes sense that if there is a creator who guided the development of the universe, the earth and the beings upon it, then the story of the creation of the earth was far easier for the populace to get to grips with back then than some long winded explanation about matter gradually forming , being puled together by gravity and the dna double helix.

I'm not a particularly religious man , but I do find it strange that two thousand years ago some bloke was going round stating how the universe began and got it pretty much in the right order, especially when it is only recently we have "discovered this" for ourselves.
Rather than write pages of comments myself I would suggest you read the skeptics annotated bible which asks the relevent questions, like why plant were made a day before the sun, and from whence they came, (god said let the earth bring forth plants,) so the seeds must have already been there.

ID is the new Creation

Oh 'and on the seventh day he rested', shabbāt means rest, or stopping, the seventh day starts at sundownt on Friday and ends sunset on Saturday. (or when there is three stars in the sky) Sunday as a day of rest is a christian choice.


Bushcrafter through and through
Oct 1, 2008
W. Yorkshire
Sunday as a day of rest is a christian choice.

It wasn't. It is much older than that. Sumaria and egypt are two examples of civilisations that worshiped the sun well before christ. Sunday named after the day given to the sun and saturday the day given to saturn. EVERYTHING in the bible in some way comes from sumaria. Indeed everything in every religion (barring jedi) comes from sumaria.

And what was the symbol for the sun? The swastica, yes the swastica.

People seem to think the bible is an original lol. The original was 3000 years earlier.

I think people should be taught the real history in schools and not the crap they do teach.


Jan 21, 2005
S. Lanarkshire
Mince !!

This could only be even partially held true for those who practiced farming.........and only for those in a Middle Eastern or European context.

Besides, Shamanisitic practices and beliefs long predate Sumeria.

The only problem with creation is that i was ment to have happend 6000 years ago and everything seems to be much older.
Only 6000 years if you take one particular line of argument which is based on some rough estimations and a slightly shifty adding up of some ages.

Everything seems older if you take one unproven, faith-based worldview and test it in the context of a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT unproven, faith-based worldview.
If you take each one IN THEIR OWN CONTEXT and with all the available evidence IN THAT CONTEXT they all have about the same level of scientific validity.

They are ALL faith-based worldviews at their very basic levels.
They are all completely impossible to prove or disprove so any person who argues that we do or can know for sure what happened is as blind-faith-closed-minded as the next adherent to the next belief. It doesn't matter how much "religion" or "science" their argument is wrapped up in, how many times they say "more likely" or "more probable" to back up their argument with absolutely ZERO statistical basis to make such a claim - it is STILL unproven and STILL requires as much or more faith than any other argument.
"End - of - f****** - story!" (Bill Hicks)

Anyway I'm not gonna get involved with the ins and outs of this.

Discussions like this make me think someone should just switch the internet off for good.

Someone found a remarkably complete fossil - cool.
Doesn't change a bleedin' thing for either side of this completely and utterly stale debate, but still, "cool".


Aug 14, 2006
I think you need to relax a bit Bigshot.

I would of liked to of answered your post but im not going to with the
way you have written in such an aggressive manner.



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