Flu virus, now even I'm worried!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
Just to cheer you up!:rolleyes:

I'm OK I think being in Norwich a literal Island in the countryside, nothing but flat countryside and the odd sheep, flu virus can't get me here i think...


My sister in law visits , she is a Nurse here to see my wife for a shopping trip.

when she's about to leave at the end of the day about half an hour ago, in conversation she mentions that she's been looking after a patient in hospital that's recently come back from Mexico! SH1T!

the patient hasn't got the virus has no symptoms or complaints...yet:confused:

so now I'm getting paranoid...has my sister in law potentially spread the virus to Norwich, and all the shops she visited?
she's going home on a busy train so plenty of virus spreading potential there...
and do I go to work an spread it locally as well?

Ok so I'm not really that paranoid,

but it make's you think.:( if the virus gets lose in the UK, NO ONE IS SAFE!

( I have to say though, if i get flu in the next week or so it'll be spare underpants time!:eek: )


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 12, 2006
paddling a loch
They, the scottish couple, live in my village. They seem to be fine. Thousands die every year in the UK from the annual winter flu, it's just not reported. Also the masks issued only last ten mins before the stop filtering.

Mind, the last thread on this was locked, so beware.



Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
May 12, 2005
South Marches
Well she might have if she is a hard surface, the virus only lives for about 20 minutes on fabrics.

Is the patient coughing and sneezing creating aerosol discharge?

Has SIL been inhaling said aerosol discharge?

Has SIL been coughing and sneezing over you or anyone else?

If not, then I guess for the time being you will be OK, but if it just happens to come here as a declared pandemic flu outbreak then you are right that no one will be safe, they might not get it, you might not get it, but current thinking from those in places that should know a thing or two about it are estimating 40% of the population could be infected in the first wave that might last 6 months.

Hope that helps.


Full Member
Mar 31, 2004
Norfolk U.K.
Just to cheer you up!:rolleyes:

I'm OK I think being in Norwich a literal Island in the countryside, nothing but flat countryside and the odd sheep, flu virus can't get me here i think...


My sister in law visits , she is a Nurse here to see my wife for a shopping trip.

when she's about to leave at the end of the day about half an hour ago, in conversation she mentions that she's been looking after a patient in hospital that's recently come back from Mexico! SH1T!

the patient hasn't got the virus has no symptoms or complaints...yet:confused:

so now I'm getting paranoid...has my sister in law potentially spread the virus to Norwich, and all the shops she visited?
she's going home on a busy train so plenty of virus spreading potential there...
and do I go to work an spread it locally as well?

Ok so I'm not really that paranoid,

but it make's you think.:( if the virus gets lose in the UK, NO ONE IS SAFE!

( I have to say though, if i get flu in the next week or so it'll be spare underpants time!:eek: )

1) There's nothing odd about Norfolk sheep.

2)Incubation period 1-2 days.If he dunt have it now, he dunt have it.

Even if you don't get it now, it'll get you in the winter when it comes back mob handed.:p


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 2, 2003
Just saw the "Government TV anti virus information film" even they must be worried!


Bushcrafter (boy, I've got a lot to say!)
Dec 12, 2006
paddling a loch
More kids are coming to school with alcohol jelly wash. Girls are not keeping a tissue up there sleeve anymore, coz I'm making them bin it !

If they do shut schools, whoo hoooooo, I'll get a longer holiday !



Feb 15, 2005
Silkstone, Blighty!
My best advice to you is close all doors and windows, paint a red cross on your door and hang a bell round your neck. The cart will come round to collect the dead in the next few weeks. Repent of your sins, it's Gods' punishment 'cos you didn't go to church every Sunday. the end of the world is nigh. Can I have all your gucci kit when you snuff it please?

Just saw the "Government TV anti virus information film" even they must be worried!
Nah, not worried.
They are just "protecting" us.

Y'see - governments protect people from bogeymen so people vote them back in the next time around - this lot have a lot to make up for and this "pandemic" is probably the best chance they are likely to get.

As has been mentioned - loads of people die from flu every year.
Flu kills more people than wars do.
I'll be resorting to avoiding people who are coughing their lungs up, practicing basic hygiene, and if all else fails, be happy that medical science has improved drastically since 1918.

<bitter sarcasm>
Don't worry - the government will save you.
Vote Labour.
<bitter sarcasm ends>


Full Member
Jun 24, 2008
St. Helens
Heard a few 'experts' saying that if there is any kind of pandemic then we probably won't have a problem in this country until our usual flu season kicks off again in late autumn.

I don't know what's more depressing about that. The worry of many people suffering with a nasty bug or the fact that we're going to have at least 6 more months of this in the news!
:rolleyes: :)

East Coaster

Oct 21, 2008
Heard a few 'experts' saying that if there is any kind of pandemic then we probably won't have a problem in this country until our usual flu season kicks off again in late autumn.

I don't know what's more depressing about that. The worry of many people suffering with a nasty bug or the fact that we're going to have at least 6 more months of this in the news!
:rolleyes: :)

And in the forums :rolleyes:
How long were they hapring on about how Bird Flu was going to kill us all?
It felt like it was years at the time.

If I was the conspiratorial type I'd probably say something about all this being scare tactics to numb people to pandemic hysteria in the media so when something really dangerous hits noone will be listening and whoever comissioned the Georgia Guidestones will get their way.
I'm not conspiratorial though (honest - I think most of them are far too dumb to be that smart) so I'll just say all this hysteria in the media will probably just numb people to that kind of news which will mean noone is listening when something really bad hits - and that will not be a good thing at all.

The problem is, with all this running around in a blind panic, public information movies and so on, how are we going to know if something really dangerous is on the loose? Will they invent a new Level 6 "This one really IS a pandemic - really it is - we mean it this time!"?

John Fenna

Lifetime Member & Maker
Oct 7, 2006
Nah, not worried.
They are just "protecting" us.

<bitter sarcasm>
Don't worry - the government will save you.
Vote Labour.
<bitter sarcasm ends>

Mods! - Mods!
Please sir - he did politics!

Or is this bitter sarcasm pandemic?
I know I have it too!;)


Jan 23, 2004
Southampton, UK
Havent been following this in the news and really don't watch much TV but isn't it the case that the only deaths have actually been in Mexico and that any other cases have led to a treatment and recovery? I think its the fact that this particular virus tends to make you susceptible to pneumonia as well which has been the problem.

Right a days teaching and then off to enjoy the sun.


Nov 20, 2008
isn't it the case that the only deaths have actually been in Mexico

not at all, the media outlets have been trying very hard to make it known that someone died of it in america. .... except it turned out they were 2 years old..... and a mexican on holiday in texas. Not sure that really counts in my books.

With any luck something new will come along soon, kind of getting bored of the blanket news coverage of it now.


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