Moot Projects?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
That's a cool idea:D

I'm planning on attending a couple of workshops, which is something that i don't usually get a chance to do :(

I'll have more of a think about this and see if i come up with anything :D
I was hoping at some point we could bury meat and cook them with hot rocks? Id like to try that.
Project 2 - I fancied making a fish trap. Is there are a `no fishing` policy for inland water or can I make one (or a lobster pot thing) and put it in the sea?
Project 2 - I fancied making a fish trap. Is there are a `no fishing` policy for inland water or can I make one (or a lobster pot thing) and put it in the sea?

The sea's quite close ( a walk across the dunes to the sea is always on the agenda) but I'm not sure what type of sea you would need for the kind of fishing you're after.

Aren't some type of traps classed as poaching and therefore illegal? Or does that not apply at sea, only in fresh water?
I'm planning another attempt at making a pump drill.
I may try to source a piece of slate for a flywheel before I go though.
I want to attend some trapping workshops too,
and of course, Stuarts talk on the San. One of the major highlights for me.
Ive made the whorl for mine from a broken piece of the green serpentinite that Fred gave me. The big bits are for Eric but I intended to bring small pieces to the moot for the kids to make things with. Shall I pack a bigger slice for you ? It cuts with a pocket knife and I rubbed it down into shape on one of the slabs of the back path, then polished it up with one of those sandpaper covered sponges. I put the centre hole in with a pointy bit of flint. Really pleased with it.

Ive made the whorl for mine from a broken piece of the green serpentinite that Fred gave me. The big bits are for Eric but I intended to bring small pieces to the moot for the kids to make things with. Shall I pack a bigger slice for you ? It cuts with a pocket knife and I rubbed it down into shape on one of the slabs of the back path, then polished it up with one of those sandpaper covered sponges. I put the centre hole in with a pointy bit of flint. Really pleased with it.

Have you thought about running a kids workshop,
I know my little one would love to do something like that
Have you thought about running a kids workshop,
I know my little one would love to do something like that

It's on the list :) I bought some of those 'so cheap they're virtually disposable' riffler files for the kids to use with it rather than them blunting every knife in the place.....probably safer too :rolleyes: I thought they could have a go at carving something like those Maori fishhook pendants or the like and hang them from celtic knotwork leather thongs. Something they can work at off and on over the weekend.

- I know the soil is mostly sand but if there is any clay about then building a clay oven would be fun.

- Exploring the whole site and reserve

- Catching a fish
cool the foods sorted?

Do we get to know whats in it? :) :) :D

hopefully the answer wont be , `its "meat!" dont ask what animal, you dont want to know!"
Has anybody got a project they're planning to do at the moot?

Strikes me that it's long enough for doing something you wouldn't normally have time for.

I quite fancy the idea of making a metal box oven but I need to find a suitable container. :confused:
I find the old ammo tins work well for a (small) oven - even with a hinged door and securing clasp. Plenty around in surplus shops for next to nothing or some obliging forces friend can usually lay hands on older ones with a bit of surface corrosion



We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.