They arrived this morning, thanks very much.......was worried for a while, but now its all smiles!!!

This group buy is still running, due to the nature of the deal with the supplier I am buying batches as required once enough people have paid for their order. Whilst I am still taking orders I need prompt payment through paypal and cannot guarantee the colours but will do my best.
fishy1 - you only posted as interested, have not signed up to the new list stating colours or sent payment - hence I have not ordered you any.
Cobweb, JonnyP & fishy1:
If you want to take advantage of this GB, please add your name to the list stating your preference of colours & quatities. I will PM you the payment details, then once you sort out Paypal I will order. There is a 2 - 4 week delivery from the supplier.
I have received some more batches, and will be sending out in the next day or so.
This GB will be closing soon.