Cegga / BR axes - Third Group Buy

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Red, you are a gent. From you basic description it seems like I've finally found the axe I've been looking for. :D If I'm wrong, no problem, it wont reflect on yourself or Cegga. I'd still have a Cegga Original :D :D :D
I still want it. Just pass on the needed info.
I think it will go for wood but it´s have a thin profile so I think this axe are better for a hunter
BR you have a profile pics to don´t you ?? I made it more like a knife than one axe but you can use it on wood .
I have some in SWE that want the axe if nobody want it.
I do have a profile picture somewher Michael - I'll get it hosted so decorum can see it before deciding - give me 15 minutes (and get the bags packed - your supposed to be going away)

I do have a profile picture somewher Michael - I'll get it hosted so decorum can see it before deciding - give me 15 minutes (and get the bags packed - your supposed to be going away)

My son are on one party so we are packed but he flirting with the girl´s soon I live for the weekend. he is 9 year so the party will soon be over I hope :p I go out to the coast every weekend now to rest and fish
Sounds great mate (the coast and the fishing - not the flirting :rolleyes: ) Never really been fishing - must try it some time when I can find someone to teach me

Anyway - here is the profile picture decorum - a very thin fine axe with a rounded poll. A "cutter" not a "splitter".

Let me know if thats still a goer (its important you are happy)


Thanks to you both Red and Cegga. Profile pic and desriptions confirmed what I thought previously. I've been looking for a thin profiled axe for a long time - a slicer & dicer, not a wholloper. I still want the axe. It's purely instinct that is telling me that this the right axe and if I'm wrong I attach no blame at all to yourselves, you've both acted with the utmost help and integrity.
SOLD to the discerning gentleman (next ones mine Mic')

Incoming PM with payent details decorum

Right Gents - thats it for batch 3!

There will be no more for a while - Cegga has proper paying work to do!

Next release is likely to be a new design just to keep things "fresh"

S-orry maverix.

We might do another run of these one day - if there is still demand.

The whole point of what I did here was to introduce Cegga to the Bushcraft market.

I was chatting to him tonight about "what next".

Next is another classic design - a cruiser (Nessmuk) axe.

However I am not prepared to go on as we have been. Each axe that Cegga is selling here is costing £25 plus p&p. Cegga is buying in helves (better than GB ones too), leather, metal etc. out of that £25! I suspect he is making a bit less than flipping burgers on these axes :o

On all future group buys, I am going to set a price that at least means that man makes as much as the "factory hand mades" from us.

I am delighted with the response to these products. That was the point of these initial buys - to get the name known and to understand what people were getting.

I have a Cegga axe here. It cost me much, much less than a good knife - but contains more materials, and manufacturing effort.

So, lots more stuff to come , but I have always done these buys to ensure both parties come out "straight". Now that the "brand building" period is done, future group buys (and there will be plenty if people still want them :)) will be at a higher price to reflect the worth of Ceggas skill.

Thanks for all your enthusiasm guys - I'm sure we all agree that we will play fair in return!

No need for an apology, As someone who is just starting out in a new business I am well aware of the need to 'brand build'.

Best of luck to you both, and to me for when the next batch is released :D
Its for Cegga and you guys Maverix - I make nothing from it - every axe I have had or given to my friends from Cegga has cost me the same as everyone else- even the prototypes.

Its not about money.

Its not about pride.

Its about the spirit of the campfire.

Someone wise once told me that, if I live to give back half as much as him, I will be a honoured to call myself a "bushcrafter"

Also, i feel it is about keeping the art of craft alive. With this throw away society craftsmen are dying. Throw away items dont have the character of hand made stuff.

Id rather have fewer quality handmade items than lots of characterless vacuum formed "things"
Damn! Missed the group buy again! I'll have to be more vigilant and more eagle-eyed for the next, newly designed batch.

I do agree with Shinken. We are bombarded with goods nowadays that have a built-in redundancy. Handmade treasures, carefully designed and beautifully made by craftsmen, remain a pleasure forever. A real case of form following function. May the craftsmen and women thrive - they possess skills and patience I can only dream of.
Thankyou both (again) Red and Cegga. Payment sent. Please let me know if I've missed something out.

I second that ( massive thanks and payment was sent yesterday ) !

I am impressed by the comments about the hardware and indeed about the sprit of the selling.

Thanks gents.
I woke up earlier with the glowing realisation of just what a jammy git I am.

Thanks Red and Cegga!

Jammy gits are not wanted here :aargh4: especially smug ones :lmao: . Some people have all the luck. British Red awesome work for organising the group buys and Cegga for the Axes, they are a work of art. Lets hope i have a keen eye and can get one on the next group buy:rolleyes: :D

Damn! Missed the group buy again! I'll have to be more vigilant and more eagle-eyed for the next, newly designed batch.

I do agree with Shinken. We are bombarded with goods nowadays that have a built-in redundancy. Handmade treasures, carefully designed and beautifully made by craftsmen, remain a pleasure forever. A real case of form following function. May the craftsmen and women thrive - they possess skills and patience I can only dream of.

Whats the point of being eagle-eyed if the next batch is posted at 13:25 again and sells out in an hour while your still at work :(


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.