
Lovely to have such a variety
I don't have nestboxes; I do have hedges

and fences covered in ivy, etc., and lots of trees around.
Within 50m of the house, we have nesting....hoodie crows, magpies, woodpeckers, blackbirds, thrushes, coal tits, blue tits, long tailed tits, great tits, siskins, robins, wrens, house sparrows, dunnocks, reed buntings, bullfinches, starlings, woodpigeons, pigeons, ducks, (we live next to a burn) and nearby enough to either fly overhead daily (buzzards) or come to the feeders at times, we have moorhens, rooks, redwings, swallows and martins, and assorted owls. We also have flittermice (bats), lots and lots of bats.
Suburbia doesn't need to be a wildlife wasteland