Perception, how do we look?

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
I remember going into a pub and being asked what i had been up to. Apparently I smelt of wood smoke. It was a very wet day and I was trying to keep midges out of my tarp, rather unsuccessfully until I found a tin of wilmas nordic summer. After putting what looked like boot polish over my bare skin I lost the midges. They preferred instant death from the flood coming out of the heavens!

The black colour didn't appear on the skin once applied but you smelt strongly of wood smoke. Apparently that marks you out as being up to something in the Lakes.
I still don't feel comfortable at all when a public right of way crosses a farm yard or passes right next to a house, as is quite common here. The most extreme one I've experienced was when following a public footpath that went across a low concrete landing between two bungalows. The gap between the two houses was perhaps five metres and you could see in through the doors on either end. Very awkward!
There are farmers and there are farmers, clearly there are some who accept the idea of public paths crossing their land and others who do everything to deter the outsider and hide the footpaths.
There is camo and then there is camo, if they don't identify you correctly then it has worked. They see an overgrown stump when in reality it is you in a ghillie suit.
I think there was a humour translation failure somewhere in there.
There are farmers and there are farmers, clearly there are some who accept the idea of public paths crossing their land and others who do everything to deter the outsider and hide the footpaths.
There is a place I go once in a while where a right of way runs through a farm yard. I got talking with the old farmer and he described how unpleasant, unreasonable and plain rude members of the public could be. His version was that telling people not to mess with equipment, bother animals, or to ask them to wait a few moments while some large big of farm machinery was moved through the yard were regularly met with hostility and profanity.
Or everywhere else there around.

The freemasons and protestants that are everywhere in the area didn't fall out of the sky.

Nowadays just covered as non religious.
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I made an effort to gain a friendship with several landowners. They know my vehicle so I do not need to phone every night before a hunt. I would not hesitate to call if I felt it would be useful. Once, they came out, just after I let the air out of some Canada geese. He saw all three fall. I was dressed in my absolute finest ghillie snow camo, head to foot. I felt good, comfortable, happy with the success. We had a chat, I gave him 2 birds (about 20# each) for a bit of a feast.
Actually, he had started to keep falcons so my birds (steel shot) were a welcome addition to the feeding regimen.

I would not dream of going into a shop or pub dressed like that, so ridiculous.
I'll undress on the off-side of the truck in the parking lot, then put everything away.

My partner was developing a reputation as a very efficient bird hunter. I was pleased. Sloppy but good. Got out one night at the grocery store and a broken box of 12 ga loads rolled out onto the street. Oops!

You need to visit. It's about 25% shooting, 50% socializing and 25% meal prep
with a few of the birds. I just can't take this seriously.
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I would never park across someone’s driveway and go and sit in their garden, so, sorry, I would never park in a gateway and just enter private land without permission of the land owner.

I don’t get why some people think they should have the right to trample or camp wherever they want to.

I rent a small piece of ground for Bushcrafting, camping and family BBQs etc, if I found anyone using it……..I would be tetchy!


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.