The tea would have been nice, it was freezing!So let's see now. I'm a farmer who stumbles upon a couple of suspicious characters in a field at night , Livestock has been rustled in the vicinity & these two individuals have a van & a couple of herding dogs ( I know the farmer probably didn't know about the dogs but I would have known & I would also be able to tell you if they were Malinois, Tervuren or Groenendael) These 2 indivduals also appear to be scouting the area equiped with a night vision instument claiming to be star gazers.
I guess I'd invite them back to the farm for a cup of tea & a slice of Victoria sponge cake & we could have a good natter about dogs & stars & our position in the universe.
I agree with all of the points raised above and have no issue with the encounter at all. If he’d wanted ID or anything I’d have provided it as we were doing nothing wrong.
1. We were safely parked off the road in a taxed, insured, registered private vehicle
2. We have crossed no fence or marked boundary
3. There’s no trespass in Scotland, we are conducting a legal pastime
4. We were not, or did not intend to commit any offence
But I agree that the situation looked suspicious and certainly warranted the further investigation the farmer took.
Had the farmer had been a police officer I’d have expected a search (if permitted under Scots law)
I guess my point is that nobody has an issue with the farmers actions and it feels to me that everyone is on his side, that it was down to me to demonstrate my intent.