HA...hello fellow dyslexic! Sadly, I don't think mine came with any super powers. Reading isn't a problem, but a speed reader I am not!
All my books live on shelves, I find it much more convenient than having them stacked on the floor

I bought my TBBs 1-3 when I was at university, so 1996 through to around 98. I joined the archery club and after the the first year wanted my own bow. I had almost no tools and no one in the family was a wood worker, so I was starting at a pretty low entry level. I had met a bowyer who had advised me about making a branch bow and I tried that in my room on campus. Made a hell of a mess, both shavings and the piece of wood. Didn't break but it wouldn't shoot worth spit. Got Vol 1, which is the most important to start with, and over the following summer made a linen backed hickory flat bow that I still have.
During that time at uni I met Hillary Greenland, she was based in Bristol while I was at Bath. I got a copy of her book but it didn't really do it for me. The LeatherWall on Stickbow.com was the first forum I joined and it was quite cool that several of the authors of the TBBs were members and regular posters at the time, including Tim Baker.
For anyone else who is interested in what is in the Traditional Bowyers Bible books, contents of each volume is listed here. I have highlighted the ones that
I used to build bows and gear, and the ones that were just
interesting to me:
Product Description: Vol. 1 Content: 1. Why Traditional by Jay Massey 2. Cutting and Seasoning Wood by Ron Hardcastle 3. Bow Design and Performance by Tim Baker 4. Yew Longbow by John Strunk 5. Osage Flat Bow by Ron Hardcastle 6. Other Bow Woods by Paul Comstock 7. Western Indian Bows by Steve...
There is also a peak inside the first 164 pages of Vol1 which takes one up to the end of Ch6.
Read "Traditional Bowyer's Bible", 1992 Vol.I / 1 by Vitaly Lukashov on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!
and first 156 pages Vol 2 which is the end of Ch5.
Read "Traditional Bowyer's Bible", 1992 Vol.II / 1 by Vitaly Lukashov on Issuu and browse thousands of other publications on our platform. Start here!
Vol. 1 Content:
1. Why Traditional by Jay Massey
2. Cutting and Seasoning Wood by Ron Hardcastle
3. Bow Design and Performance by Tim Baker
4. Yew Longbow by John Strunk
5. Osage Flat Bow by Ron Hardcastle
6. Other Bow Woods by Paul Comstock
7. Western Indian Bows by Steve Allely
8. Glue by Tim Baker
9. Splices by John Strunk
10. Sinew-Backing by Jim Hamm
11. Other Backings by Paul Comstock
12. Tillering by Jim Hamm
13. Finishes and Handles by John Strunk
14. Self Arrows by Jay Massey
15. A Comedy of Arrows by Jim Hamm
Vol. 2 Content:
1. Tradition Begins with the Past by Jay Massey
2. Bows from Boards by Tim Baker
3. Eastern Woodland Bows by Al Herrin
4. Ancient European Bows by Paul Comstock
5. Composite Bows by Dr. Bert Grayson
6. Bending Wood by Paul Comstock
7. Recurves by Jim Hamm
8. Strings by Tim Baker
9. Helpful Hints and Shortcuts by Jay Massey
10. Steel Points by Glenn Parker
11. Improving Accuracy by G. Fred Asbell
12. Quivers & Other Gear by Jay Massey
13. “Old Ugly” and the Little Buck by Jim Hamm
Vol. 3 Content:
1. Traditional Roots by Jay Massey
2. Tools by Paul Comstock
3. Bows of the World by Tim Baker
4. Korean Archery by Jeff Schmidt
5. Plains Indian Bows by Jim Hamm
6. African Archery by David Tukura
7. Take-Down Bows by Jay St. Charles
8. A Stone Age Bow by Tim Baker
9. Preventing and Solving Problems by Paul Comstock
10. Wooden Arrows by Gabriela Cosgrove
11. Custom Shafts by Gene Langston
12. Stone Points by Scott Silsby
13. Passing the Torch by Jim Hamm
Vol. 4 Content:
From the creator of the first 3 classic volumes, this is essential reading for those who make wooden bows. Tim Baker, Paul Comstock, Jim Hamm, and many of the other top bowyers today provide insights into what thousands of bows have taught them. Includes Heat-Treating Bows, The Mass Principle, Character Bows, Design and Performance Revisited, Laminated Wood Bows, and Ishi’s Archery Tackle, among many other ground-breaking chapters.