The old Britishblades forum

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Still here, very occasionally.

I only have a small collection of knives now, mostly SAK's. In the BB days I must have had a collection that cost me a couple of grand, maybe more, over the years. My present knives could be replaced with about 200 quid.

My Aly Grinder and propane forge all went a few house moves ago and haven't really missed them. Wonder if Rapidboy, Basemetal, Ropeman and Mojofilter are still about?

Haven’t heard from Rapidboy since BB disappeared. Basemetal was on ROF for a bit and then said he‘d had enough of forums, Ropey left BB before it disappeared, so no idea what he’s doing. Mojo is still about.

I recognise quite a few from the pub pics. I’m still in touch with Trev Burgess, we go off camping together. I see Parbajtor, Tall&Hairy and a few others in the pics.

As time went on my interests changed, tents, clothing, stoves, torches etc. Those that were still predominantly into knives went to Edgematters, I drift about here and ROF, still buy knives. And loads of other toys :)
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Rapidboy was still making sheaths as of early last year as I have a couple of kydex ones for one of my knives. But not sure if he’s still doing it now. I know Stu used to use him quite a bit for Secare sheaths. But he stopped last year for some reason. Shame as they were really well made.
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That's funny seeing myself in those photos! Dukes head meetings were fantastic fun, unless you parked by the river and your car got flooded out. I'll see if I can dig out some photos.

Haven’t heard from Rapidboy since BB disappeared. Basemetal was on ROF for a bit and then said he‘d had enough of forums, Ropey left BB before it disappeared, so no idea what he’s doing. Mojo is still about.

I recognise quite a few from the pub pics. I’m still in touch with Trev Burgess, we go off camping together. I see Parbajtor, Tall&Hairy and a few others in the pics.

As time went on my interests changed, tents, clothing, stoves, torches etc. Those that were still predominantly into knives went to Edgematters, I drift about here and ROF, still buy knives. And loads of other toys :)

Rich, please pass on my best wishes to Trevor, he was one of the first to chat to me at the pub and has a lovely sense of humour.
Rich, please pass on my best wishes to Trevor, he was one of the first to chat to me atthe pub and has a lovely sense of humour.

I surely will Mark. We’d have already got together a few times this year if it wasn’t for the Covid-19. Couple of years ago him and Collette came to Sussex for a Wood Fair just down the road from us and he invited us to his neighbours huge villa in Biarritz. Bloody good holiday that was, cost us only flights and whatever we ate or drank. That’s the sort of thing that would never have happened without BB.
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That’s the one Fluffy said not to touch as it bites. Trevor is a dog person, has two Bearded Collies, and decided he’d do a bit of dog whispering. Nearly hospitalised him with a bite to the hand. Fluffy just said, “Well I told you he bites.” :lmao:
That's the same dalmatian. Photos were posted on BB at the time of the blood....
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I miss BB. Some of the knives I almost bid on spread through the pictures. Longstrider strops and smurf poo, which still seem to work like magic. Funny threads to make you smile. Younger days

I reached out to Martyn a couple of times via post after no luck by phone) but he never got back to me, I offered to host BB on the BCUK server to make things easier and any other help he might need to keep things going. I hope he's doing ok.

BB went live end of 2002 and we started April 2003, we shared some mods, I was a mod there for a good number of years and Martyn here. While he was at the helm it had strong, if somewhere fiery at times, leadership :D I take my hat off to all those that kept it going those last few years when it was a best effort with no real control.

BB had a huge impact on a lot of people, Martyn was an amazing help with me as a novice setting up the forums and helping with some technical issues in the early days.

Reading through this thread there's there's lots of names that I miss seeing, the first BushMoots (2004 +) we had quite a few BB members coming, Pete Bond, The General (Wayne) and many more... Anyone still in touch with Danzo?
BB was good, its a shame it was left to slide away. Met a lot of excellent people there. :)

The Leeds meet-ups were epic and by the late evening, some were approaching carnage. :D :D

As has been said, running a forum is a lot of work and there were a few "fragile" profiles on BB that required intense looking after. When BB finished, a lot of us decided we wanted an easier life and so ROF was formed to be a much more light hearted refuge.
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We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.