Still here, very occasionally.
I only have a small collection of knives now, mostly SAK's. In the BB days I must have had a collection that cost me a couple of grand, maybe more, over the years. My present knives could be replaced with about 200 quid.
My Aly Grinder and propane forge all went a few house moves ago and haven't really missed them. Wonder if Rapidboy, Basemetal, Ropeman and Mojofilter are still about?
Haven’t heard from Rapidboy since BB disappeared. Basemetal was on ROF for a bit and then said he‘d had enough of forums, Ropey left BB before it disappeared, so no idea what he’s doing. Mojo is still about.
I recognise quite a few from the pub pics. I’m still in touch with Trev Burgess, we go off camping together. I see Parbajtor, Tall&Hairy and a few others in the pics.
As time went on my interests changed, tents, clothing, stoves, torches etc. Those that were still predominantly into knives went to Edgematters, I drift about here and ROF, still buy knives. And loads of other toys

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