New site - Bugs, Feedback & Questions

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
Sorry, being a biff again. I've moved back to the UK from Germany and I want to change my location.

I've had a good mooch about the settings and my profile, but can't figure it out.

If you hover over your name at the top of the screen one of the options shown should be Personal Details. There should be the option to change your location in there. Let me know if that works, if not I'll have a look in the permissions. Rebuilding search indexes at the moment so can't access that side of it for a while.
In preferences (hover over your user name at the top) there is a tick box to turn email notifications off, I'll have a look and see if I can find a setting to reduce the number being sent.

problem with turning them off completely is you obviously wont get any notifications of a reply to a thread you are interested in, the old site used to send just one email until you visited that thread again, in the grand scheme of things it's pretty inconsequential as id rather be notified than not. Thanks for having a looksee anyway.
If you hover over your name at the top of the screen one of the options shown should be Personal Details. There should be the option to change your location in there. Let me know if that works, if not I'll have a look in the permissions. Rebuilding search indexes at the moment so can't access that side of it for a while.

Tried that and there are lots of options (clicked them all), but nothing saying about location change. Sorry.:oops:

Love the Terry Pratchett quote BTW.;)
I am afraid not... the ones where you clicked on "Community" on the bar at the top of the page and a drop box appeared with boxes that included "Groups" and "Members" and other stuff...
I do not speak "tech talk" so cannot put it clearer I am afraid...

John, we should be able to sort this out but we need to install a 3rd party addon to make it work so we'll schedule that in after we've sorted out some of the other stuff, shouldn't be long.
Not sure if this applies to desktop use but I found changing the style from 'xenforo - UI.X' to 'default style' much more familiar on mobile.
John, we should be able to sort this out but we need to install a 3rd party addon to make it work so we'll schedule that in after we've sorted out some of the other stuff, shouldn't be long.
Thanks for that.
Our next Meet is next week so I think everyone has done talking about that one and I doubt we will have a December Meet so we have a while before we need to chat about a January date :)
I found the forum covers what my friends are posting under "My New Feed". Are subscriptions to threads part of that, or somewhere else, or gone?
Post Reply Issue

This may be only happening on IOS browser but editing previously type text is not possible. If you do manage to select some text then it seems to be impossible to return to the end of line.

I have not tried this on a desktop or android browser.

Pls note it is possible to backspace to delete previously typed text but you are unable to place cursor on previous text.


I tell you one thing that's bugging me is when you view a post, come out of the thread it disappears until someone else posts a reply on the post.

If you want to go back and check something in the thread you have to go hunting for it in the section the post's been posted in which can be a pita when you don't notice what that is.

On the old site you came out of it and it would stay visible for as long as you're active on the forum and only disappear if you're inactive for about an hour.
I tell you one thing that's bugging me is when you view a post, come out of the thread it disappears until someone else posts a reply on the post.

If you want to go back and check something in the thread you have to go hunting for it in the section the post's been posted in which can be a pita when you don't notice what that is.

On the old site you came out of it and it would stay visible for as long as you're active on the forum and only disappear if you're inactive for about an hour.

I just hit the recent posts button when that happens to me. :)
Me too. I think the New Posts is more like new threads, but recent posts is just that, the posts that folks have put up 'recently'.
I found the forum covers what my friends are posting under "My New Feed". Are subscriptions to threads part of that, or somewhere else, or gone?

Found them under Watched Threads and Watched Forums. Sounds a bit like ebay. I guess it helps you make a bid before the thread closes.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.