Iceland 2014 - A Roadtrip.

  • Hey Guest, Early bird pricing on the Summer Moot (21st July - 2nd August) available until March 31st, we'd love you to come. PLEASE CLICK HERE to early bird price and get more information.
The reality of a RAW file is two hundred and eighty million ones and zeros, recorded and stored electronically.

The reality you are talking about is having those ones and zeros converted into a picture according to algorithms designed by someone who does not know what you are actually pointing the camera at. Working purely on statistics, the assumption made, is that you are probably pointing your camera at your friend in an oriental karaoke bar with a flash on and your camera set on automatic. Your picture is therefore optimised for that sort of picture.

Sadly, that is the kind of result that many people have come to expect from their cameras and it leads to the general dissatisfaction that is characterised when people say "I can't take good pictures." Even sadder is that they think that is actually what the scene looked like and that their memory is at fault because they thought it looked better than that when they were there...

My reality involves converting my raw files, which are exposed to maximise the accuracy of the stored data, in a way that reflects my memory of the scene based upon actually being there and seeing it with my own eyes.

I know which reality I prefer.

A camera records data very differently from the way a human perceives a scene. For a start a sensor has less dynamic range than our scanning vision with it's constantly adjusting iris. Your camera, any camera for that matter, can only record a representation of that information and it requires either a thinking mind or unthinking software to translate that information into an interpolated eight bit sRGB JEPG file that can be displayed on your monitor or a print.

As a matter of interest, some of these pictures have not had any work done to them in PhotoShop apart from adding my signature. I only need to use PhotoShop if it can render something that is not possible directly from the RAW conversion software.

I do wish people would stop confusing reality with data.

By the way, I could recommend some much better books on the subject for you if you like Ric.

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Love your pictures Gary your interpretation of the landscape and the detail no to mention the clarity are fantastic.

Sent from somewhere?
I just wanted to add my admiration for what has been posted here.

I will go through the full reports when I have the time to give them the attention they deserve.
Thanks for taking the time to post the report and those truly stunning images Wayland. I can't think that I've ever seen anything better, anywhere.

I have just thrown my camera away ....
Or should have done so!
Absolutely stunning work there - you seem to get better all the time!
I await the text on the earth houses - interesting stuff!
I absolutely love those images and the scenery's not bad to! Like you I only take RAW files and process in photoshop, however the similarity stops there, my shots, by comparison, are amateurish and lack the skill and flair you obviously possess! My cameras not bad (Nikon D90), but I can not and will not use that as an excuse for lack of skill and talent. I shall now doff my cap and go look at your other pictures. Outstanding pictures.
I have just thrown my camera away ....
Or should have done so!
Absolutely stunning work there - you seem to get better all the time!
I await the text on the earth houses - interesting stuff!

I get so little time to dedicate to photography these days that when I get the chance I do seem to learn a lot as I go.

I had a good understanding of film in the past but the digital technology is improving so quickly it's difficult to keep up.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.