Karrimor SF - Predator 30!

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Aug 25, 2004
With the gnu!
Haven't posted in a while but broke out in a cold sweat this morning when I noticed that Karrimor SF are now producing a 30L version of their Predator range. Basically the Sabre 30 but with a few updates.

Thougth some folk might be interested.

Details here:- Karrimor SF - Predator 30

..... and noticed its already for sale at Kitmonster at a knocked down price of 59 quid. No affilitaion with the company other than being a satisfied customer in the past.

Wife is currently hidding my wallet ..............
nice find, great looking pack, looks good in coyote, green is nice too and black, the camo is pretty cool too! lol
Should make a good day hiking pack or for a day in the woods
Nice pack, i have one of the old hot rock 30's in olive, from before the sf range came out. I've tried & brought other packs, but keep going back to it. I recently got a berghaus centurio off barn owl, but still take my knackerd old 30" to the woods, i do like the idea of the molle straps, maybe its time i replaced the 30(again).

Sorry!!! But I'll stick to my '45!!! More versatile and has the options of fitting side pockets :) If I want a 30l sack I just leave the pockets up and sinch the side straps :)
Nice little pack, I use the sf 35 litre as a day pack or my versipack jumbo. Having recently obtained the 45 i'm currently trying to get all the gear Paul Kirley gets in his one, so far unsucessfully, the Woodlore golden Eagle sleeping back taking up nearly the whole internal pack size on it's own.
IT looks like it has the same great build quality as the sabre I have but for me it's a strange size. For those going light weight, it's heavy on its own. For light weight summer trips, it lacks decent cooling against your back. I suspect it's designed squarely at military types but shrafters will use it, strap loads of gear to the outside and boast about using only a 30 litre pack :P

Yes the last comment was tongue in cheek, yes it looks like a lovely pack, yes i'll be sticking with my sabre 45.
It's a better looking beast than the Predator 45 and, in theory, could be more flexible than the Sabre 45 because of the MOLLE webbing and range of different pockets... Historically, I've always been a great fan of the Berghaus Munro due to its out-and-out simplicity but this might just wheedle its way to top spot.

Food for thought!
I had a 45, but sold it on, as it seemed a bit of an inbetweenie pack for me, not big enough or to big, the 30 i like as its small enough, but easily takes a days kit, & with the side straps will carry an axe on the outside.
I think this has come out to compete with the berghaus centurio, which is molle'd up, unlike the munro which is like the standard sf 30. I have a centurio as i said earlier, & i have no real use for a molle'd pack, but my 30 is no longer waterproof, & has holes in it & is missing a clip, and i do like karrimors...

Nice little pack, I use the sf 35 litre as a day pack or my versipack jumbo. Having recently obtained the 45 i'm currently trying to get all the gear Paul Kirley gets in his one, so far unsucessfully, the Woodlore golden Eagle sleeping back taking up nearly the whole internal pack size on it's own.

I've sat in front of Paul as he unpacked his rucksack for us. Sure didn't look like a big synthetic bag in there!

(This is what we're talking about, if anyone is wondering! http://paulkirtley.co.uk/2011/bushcraft-camping-equipment/)

That 30 litre sack looks very nice, but only in an instinctive "that looks cool" sort of way, rather than "I really have a strong need to carry about 30 litres worth of kit" sort of way, if you know what I mean!
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I hate to be the cynic but aren't Karrimor now owned by a conglomerate? They don't seem to make them like they did 15-20 years ago. The old ones under normal use still look like new.

By the looks of it, it's Karrimor's take on the Munro. I'd expect it to have a short back and sit high, because it's most likely designed to sit above a belt kit/rig.
I would say you are spot on there, however i think the sf/sabre range is seperate, & certainly i've had no issues with the build quality of the packs or the enforcer clothing.

Unfortunately, Karrimor and Karrimor Sf belongs to sports direct :(

Anyway, I bought myself this nice little pack. Haven't got opportunity to try it in a field yet, but looks and feels well made.
PRI is owned by campri the old ski clothing maker, responsible for those dayglo ski jackets of the 80's, who are owned by Sports Direct. The label that came off the side pockets I got from karrimor last year said as much


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