Show us your tinderbox!

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It's fine man! I'm always keen see activity on threads in general :).

Top attitude Cameron, some of my most serious threads go halfway round the world and back, but as long as they eventually come back it doesn't matter, and it's all brilliant in communication, some get a bit funny though!

Top attitude Cameron, some of my most serious threads go halfway round the world and back, but as long as they eventually come back it doesn't matter, and it's all brilliant in communication, some get a bit funny though!


Yeah, it's all good on BCUK :).
LOL... na just pure fat wood produced by the Hurricane back in the 80's, in Rendelsham Forest... :).... it lies in rows in the old rides :)

It's funny really, to be honest i don't open my luxurious tupperware tinder box, from one month to the next, shame on me! But when i opened her up for the pics, that waft of fatwood hit me and made me smile.

Considering, i disliked the smell of softwood of any kind for years, after cutting pit props and pulp for a year in a dark damp old woods right by Houndtor.

It's funny really, to be honest i don't open my luxurious tupperware tinder box, from one month to the next, shame on me! But when i opened her up for the pics, that waft of fatwood hit me and made me smile.

Considering, i disliked the smell of softwood of any kind for years, after cutting pit props and pulp for a year in a dark damp old woods right by Houndtor.


Yeah... it does really bring the smell of the outside and memory's of sitting around a camp fire :)...

I remember one night about Two years ago we sat around a fire just of Fat Wood... it smelt great , and gave a hell of a lot of
We melted the grate and wondered what was dripping down the chimney (it was the lining) when burning "greasy roots" as we called them. You could make toast from the back of the room
Here is mine, nothing fancy, but it works, just a US nbc box, fero rod, tin of Vaseline and cotton wool. It does what it should when it should. DSC_0001.jpg
Well not a box, I know I'm letting the side down but I play around with what I carry and still covet a Huddson Bay copper one!

Here goes: -

Leather bag tied with a sack knot, neoprene pouch, suede leather pouch, scallop hearth, Ferro rod.

I carry a spare rod, lighter and pencil sharpener in my possibles pouch.


In the suede pouch at the moment there is a tin with some char cloth, a tealight, some beeswax (it even says it on it) and a sharpening stone ('cause I forgot to take it out).

Scallop shell to use as a moveable hearth for embers, can also be used as a lamp or lamp reflector, drinking cup, or dry goods scoop.

Little neoprene pouch stuffed with cotton padding at the moment, depending on what I have other natural tinders can go in too.

Leather pouch all trussed up with a sack knot.

Inside two tins which contain the following: -

TIN 1; has another smaller clan shell for moving/creating embers, some fungus for taking a spark, a mini char cloth tin and lots of resin.

Tin 2; has what it says on the tin, though either the flint or the striker is pants are the few sparks you get are pretty dull and cool.

Main ferro rod, I wouldn't use my knife to strike it as it's a pet hate of mine.

Ziplock baggy of special Belzeebob23's patented drier lint. Good stuff that (and always blue like belly button fluff!)


And as a special Brucey Bonus for Cameron, here's a pic of the toasting fork that is one of my favourite things, my Great, great, great (maybe one great too many?) Grandfather made it as one of his apprentice pieces as a blacksmith. A great extending fork that has made many, many bits of toast and crumpets. The odd muffin and marshmallow too. With my fave horn spoon .
Some brilliant fire lighting goodies there Colin!

I really love that telescopic fire fork, its brilliant! Liking the spoon too mate ;).
lol dryer fluff is a nice tinder, but it smells funny when it burns!

Another good home made/recycled fluff to lay sparks on is egg box. Grate your egg box on that crappy zester side of a cheese grater and it turns into dusty/fiberous fluffy stuff that works very well. I've made batches of it in the past but it makes me cough n sneeze as the really fine stuff gets up my nose! :D
Good tip with the egg box samon!

I think it's the nylon that makes the dryer fluff smell funny ?

Our golden retrieve sheds like mad, I tried burning a bit of hair, whoaar it stank!

I must admit the resin is a great smell as it burns, that and the beeswax. Lucky 'round here with lots of reeds, bog cotton, thistle down and rosebay willow for tinders. One thing we are short of is birch. For Scotland we don't have a huge amount of it in my immediate vicinity. Still there's other woods and the pine knot candles are relatively easy to find. Always one way to get big lumps of resin (like the one in Tin 1 is to look around the forest for downed widowmakers and crowns (of resin bearing trees obviously). As these tent to be the fracture points of weakened areas that have often filled up with resin, big blocks can be found on or around them. Although lodgepole and a few others pretty much always naturally produce blobs on their trunks. and other species especially some cedars have very resinous cones. Although nice punk woods always another favourite.


We have a a number of knives, T-Shirts and other items for sale.