Show us your tinderbox!

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I made mine about 12 years ago. It's nothing special, but special to me. I think it was the first project that i was proud enough of to keep.
Heres one, it's a bit more battered now and I need to touch up a seam where the soldering was iffy


And heres a old pic of my first kit, now passed onto my middle son


Here's my fave', a modified version (smaller, with the candle holder inside the lid and with no fingerloop) of a replica 18th C tinderbox some friends in the US make


And hers the latest, made from a single scrappy piece of wood found under the shed I knocked down, based on a 17th C hearth tinder box I saw.


Its a practice piece (hence the nails holding the bodged side together!) for when I can scrounge some 4 x 3 x 12 pieces of either oak or ideally elm to make proper two compartment hearth/cottage tinder boxes. Ive plans drawn up frpm examples i've examined. On that note if i can ever aquire some thin elm or oak boards I have drawings done for several of the more elaborate nailed, sliding lid boxes. I talked myself inro the reserve store at St Fagans a year or two back and, mainly to photo and measure some tin candle boxes they have and their collection of gressets but also got to record some wooden tinder boxes. I was also lucky enough to find a text which covered the dimensions with good enough pics to do working drawings.

Ilikes tinder boxes I does....


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Having seen some of your boxes mines a little embarrassing ha.defo gonna up grade eventually it's on the list.some really nice kits their.any how here's mine

Lots of nice dry birch bark different thicknesses.
A nice blob of bees wax
Loads of little blobs of pine resin
If it works for you it's fine! I have accumulated a largish blob of beeswax drom our hive and it will soon find its way into my tinderbox!

Keep them coming!
Looking forward to them!

Here's my last one, I've swapped the slow match from the Hudson Bay into here and put more chaga in the Hudson Bay ;).

Ill do a group photo of the lot later ;)!

I don't have a tinderbox.

I do a lot of fire lighting demonstrations so have more of a "collection of kit in cloth bags and wooden boxes"; not to mention my friction kit.

My main user though is my "stone age meets modern" firesteel:


If you haven't tried flint on a ferro rod you'll be surprised just how effortless it is.
I really like the top one, all nice, but that especially so.
Heres one, it's a bit more battered now and I need to touch up a seam where the soldering was iffy


And heres a old pic of my first kit, now passed onto my middle son


Here's my fave', a modified version (smaller, with the candle holder inside the lid and with no fingerloop) of a replica 18th C tinderbox some friends in the US make


And hers the latest, made from a single scrappy piece of wood found under the shed I knocked down, based on a 17th C hearth tinder box I saw.


Its a practice piece (hence the nails holding the bodged side together!) for when I can scrounge some 4 x 3 x 12 pieces of either oak or ideally elm to make proper two compartment hearth/cottage tinder boxes. Ive plans drawn up frpm examples i've examined. On that note if i can ever aquire some thin elm or oak boards I have drawings done for several of the more elaborate nailed, sliding lid boxes. I talked myself inro the reserve store at St Fagans a year or two back and, mainly to photo and measure some tin candle boxes they have and their collection of gressets but also got to record some wooden tinder boxes. I was also lucky enough to find a text which covered the dimensions with good enough pics to do working drawings.

Ilikes tinder boxes I does....


It works superbly; just set a piece in some clay and you're away. I like the mix of ancient and modern materials.

I might have to add that to the mental "to do" list ;).

Here is my group shot:


Shows a nice array of my flint and steel goodies ;).
Thanks, the tube job is based on various 19th C ones I've seen

it was very easy to make, just find a bit of brass tube big enough to fit a pistol flint width wise and a bit of thin brass sheet from the model shop and several burns later bobs your uncle!

i made several rolls of linen to fit the tube and charred them when I did the next batch of char cloth so I don't have to try and roll up the black stuff to refill the kit when I run out.

these are easy to make, a tinder horn to store a supply of tinder but perfectly usable as a tinderbox if you want. Would look well scrimshawed.



I do like that horn tinder box, really pushes my buttons. This and the lantern thread are showing up some lovely kit... My big drinking horn may get sacrificed for one of those;)


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