World War Z - Brad Pitt!!


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
Well the missus told me the other day that Brad ' married-to-a-hottie ' Pitt was filming In Falmouth , Very Nice I thought , I've just seen what he is filming!! I hope its good!! ... ter/15896/

"Published: 3:35pm, 5th August 2011
Updated: 5:36pm, 5th August 2011

The filming of Hollywood superstar Brad Pitt's latest blockbuster has been kept on track in the UK by fuelling the cast and crew on a local delicacy - the humble Cornish pasty.

Brad, 47, is in Cornwall filming scenes for zombie action film World War Z off the English Channel coast and on a ship in Falmouth harbour.

After rough seas hampered delivery of lunch to hundreds of the cast and crew offshore on Wednesday, some of the 500 local extras employed on the shoot suggested they get a large consignment of pasties on board to see them through.

Cornish bakery firm Rowe's today confirmed that it sent 700 pasties to the production to feed all the hungry mouths.

Paul Pearce, from the company, said: "All of our staff involved can now say with a sense of pride they contributed to the production of a film starring one of Hollywood's best know actors.

"There's also an open invitation if Angelina is in the area and looking for something to do, to come in to our new product development facility and learn how to hand-crimp a Cornish pasty. The children are more than welcome, but Brad may be busy."

It is unclear whether Brad himself would actually enjoyed a pasty, as he has previously been reported as having been a vegetarian for many years.

Scenes have already been shot in Malta, where Brad, who is also one of the film's producers, was joined by wife Angelina Jolie and their children in June.

So far only Brad - and his body double - has been spotted in the Cornish town."


Jun 10, 2006
south wales
Won't sleep tonight wondering if he did or did not indulge in a pasty...if the wife is not there he could have indulged in other local delicacies I suppose.


Jan 2, 2005
Central Brazil
In the upper peninsula of Michigan the pastie is well entrenched and from the sound of it quite authentic. Good food for sure. I had them for dinner once up there and they left a favorable impression, what's not to love?

Zombies, no more to say. I haven't read the book but will watch the movie for sure.
Feb 15, 2011
zombie land was good if a little lacking in enough zombie liking for myself and better half
if this film sticks to the book it should be awesome if it deviates a million zombie nerds(including me) will rebel

Have you seen dead snow ?...plenty of zombies,fairly original story, good photography & lots of gore....& you don't have to wait long before the carnage's a Norwegian film.

Retired Member southey

M.A.B (Mad About Bushcraft)
Jun 4, 2006
your house!
Turns out hey are filming here in Aldershot, what I thought was a temporary stadium for boxing is in fact housing a large set for his film, cool! though I cant watch zombie films, so if the extras bimble out in costume they may be casting for some new ones! wish i hadn't sold the HELLION now!:)


Feb 27, 2005
Saudi Arabia
They were filming in George Square, Glasgow.
Hundreds of extras wandering around made up to look like zombies.

No-one noticed.
i cant wait :D world war Z will be number 25 to my zombie films list.

Have you seen dead snow ?...plenty of zombies,fairly original story, good photography & lots of gore....& you don't have to wait long before the carnage's a Norwegian film.

Dead snow is one of my favourite as well :D I'm sure I have had this conversation with you on a different thread before Timberwolf? Maybe there should be a zombie sub forum


Full Member
Nov 6, 2008
they give me nightmares, fo realz! cant watch any kind of horror, don't know why they do, random?

I hope people remember that next time you go to a meet and get into you bag/hammock..... absolutely no Zombie action near Southey!! He really doesn't like it!

< Bwaha-ha-ha>


Feb 26, 2009
East Kilbride
They were filming in George Square, Glasgow.
Hundreds of extras wandering around made up to look like zombies.


George square was superb, set up as Pittsburg with US traffic signs, yellow cabs street maps mailboxes etc Huge pileups of vehicles upturned trashcarts SWAT vans & Hummvees. Many people came to watch the filming (which you could do from a distance behind a barrier)
It was earrie at night with some vehicles having dummy drivers in them.
I Noticed a had an accident? card from a Glasgow law firm tucked under the window wiper of a taxi which was part of a twenty car pile up :)

Everyone wanted to see the zombies & jumped when there was a burst of gunfire in the scene they were filming on the day I went for a nosey


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